Proposition 50K1519

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Projet de loi portant création du Fonds des pensions de la police intégrée et portant des dispositions particulières en matière de sécurité sociale.

General information

Submitted by
Groen Open Vld Vooruit PS | SP Ecolo MR Verhofstadt Ⅰ
Submission date
Nov. 22, 2001
Official page
pension scheme police social security survivor's benefit


Voted to adopt
Groen Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld MR
Abstained from voting

Party dissidents

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Feb. 7, 2002 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Jean-Marc Delizée

Mr. Speaker, I would have liked to have developed the report on this important bill. However, given our work and given that the written report is quite comprehensive, I would simply like to emphasize that this project provides a concrete and structural response to the financing of former gendarme pensions as well as to the problem of the financial weight posed by certain social security contributions for police areas. We can only rejoice. by

The proposal was approved by 8 votes and 2 abstentions. For the rest, I refer to the written report.

Greta D'hondt CD&V

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Minister, the present bill is one of the many steps that Parliament must take to accelerate the implementation of the police reform, in particular as regards the financial implications for municipalities.

When discussing this bill in the Social Affairs Committee, it seemed that the government would follow the normal parliamentary path and procedure. After all, Mr. Speaker, this time the discussion was initiated by an official document. Since it was so long ago that we could experience this, we hoped for a normal parliamentary treatment of the draft.

Unfortunately, our dream was already induced by the announcement that the government would amend this draft. For the sake of clarity: only in the session we took note of the fourteen amendments submitted to the draft which contained 37 articles.

This bill is only a fraction of the chaotic puzzle made by the government of police reform. Fortunately, the financial burden transferred to the municipalities was reduced through this bill, but the financial transparency of the police reform is becoming less and less. After all, according to the provisions of this bill, the social burden of the relocation of the national guards and military personnel to the police zones, in relation to the municipalities, is financially compensated by a specific allowance charged to the State.

For the municipalities and the police zones, we can look forward to this, but given that this bill will be voted within a few moments, it seems to me important to point out that the minister in the committee explicitly answered my question in this regard that this is a recurring allowance that will no longer be linked in the future to the number of individual national guards and military personnel transferred to the police services. That means that this allowance will continue to exist, even though the last lifted national guard has long been retired.

With some concern, I would point out, before going to the vote, that Article 13 of the draft law stipulates that the distribution of this allowance to the municipalities and the police zones will be determined by royal decree. Hopefully this distribution will take place neutrally and there will be no distractions in the police zones, nor at the community level. However, the CD&V is not very reassured about this and will therefore follow this issue closely.