Proposition 50K1431

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Projet de loi modifiant l'arrêté-loi du 28 décembre 1944 concernant la sécurité sociale des travailleurs.

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Submitted by
Groen Open Vld Vooruit PS | SP Ecolo MR Verhofstadt Ⅰ
Submission date
Oct. 5, 2001
Official page
work local employment initiative social security unemployment


Voted to adopt
Groen Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld MR
Abstained from voting

Party dissidents

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Dec. 5, 2001 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Jean-Marc Delizée

I will be brief because I think the report is very comprehensive. This bill qualitatively improves the functioning of local employment agencies. There are three very concrete improvements.

First, there is a legal basis for the transport costs of the service providers. Secondly, there is a control of the budgets of the ALE. Thirdly, each ALE sees the establishment of concertation committees. These are very positive measures.

The discussion in the committee has been of good quality and the report reflects this well. The proposed text was adopted by 10 votes and 4 abstentions.

Pierrette Cahay-André MR

Mr. Speaker, Mrs. Deputy Prime Minister, dear colleagues, the bill that is submitted to us today aims to make some changes to the system of the ALE. This project actually contains only three measures that the rapporteur has already talked about. I will discuss them briefly.

The first measure is the improvement of the intervention system in the travel costs of ALE workers. From now on, everyone will be obliged to receive compensation for their travel costs, i.e. a minimum of 6 francs per kilometer. This measure, although many EEAs have already adopted it, proved necessary so that all workers could benefit from the same conditions of compensation for work in EEA. Indeed, sometimes the problem arose that, from one municipality to another, the AAL intervened or not in the travel costs, which could cause some workers or workers to misunderstand whether or not compensation received following the decision taken locally. It was a form of injustice, especially since these means are very useful to those workers with low incomes. By finding a legal basis in this project, this measure guarantees all ALE workers the same rights. We think this is a good thing in terms of equality.

With regard to the second measure aimed at establishing a concertation committee within the EEAs, we are more reluctant about its opportunity. We are concerned that the establishment of this new committee will result in bureaucracy and an aggravation of the operation of the ALE. If one can fully subscribe to the reasons that lead to the establishment of this committee, such as allowing workers to report on their health and safety working conditions, or even be a meeting place to evoke their problems, we hardly realize the real necessity of this new structure and its future appeal. But the future will tell us.

Finally, the third measure aims to enable the ONE to control the revenue and expenditure of the ONE and to eventually sanction those who would not have properly allocated those revenue, in particular in the field of training. We actually believe that in addition to allowing ALE workers to offer a work contract, it must necessarily invest in training efforts with regard to them. by

The project that is submitted to us, however, provides that the training must be actions of training or socio-professional insertion organized or approved by the Forem, the Orbem, etc.

I would like to draw the attention of the Minister on the difficulties that ALE sometimes encounter in encouraging their workers to attend training, especially for ALE on the outskirts of major cities.

Training most often takes place in the city centre and some workers are unwilling to move or at least are unenthusiastic about doing so. This does not facilitate the task of the ALE. We will do an experiment in our city in this regard; I hope it will be conclusive. I will inform the Minister on this occasion.

I have noted that the proposed sanction will have no retroactive effect. This will avoid mortgaging the operation of some EEAs that would not have invested sufficient resources in training in the past.

Finally, Mrs. Minister, I think that these few changes will need to be notified to the EEA so that they can apply these measures as quickly and correctly as possible.

Here, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Minister, Ladies and Gentlemen, are the various comments I intended to make during this discussion. We will support this bill.