Proposition 50K0978

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Projet de loi de loi modifiant la loi du 7 mai 1999 contenant le Code des sociétés et la loi du 17 juillet 1975 relative à la comptabilité des entreprises.

General information

CD&V Servais Verherstraeten
Ecolo Michèle Gilkinet
LE Jean-Pierre Grafé
MR Anne Barzin
Open Vld Alfons Borginon, Guy Hove, Georges Lenssen
PS | SP Thierry Giet
Vooruit Henk Verlinde
Submission date
Nov. 23, 2000
Official page
firm governed by commercial law


Voted to adopt
Groen CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA MR FN VB

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Dec. 21, 2000 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Arnold Van Aperen

The draft law amending the Act of 7 May 1999 establishing the Code of Companies and the Law of 17 July 1975 on the Accounting of Companies was considered in the committee on 7 December 2000. The present expert pointed out to us that this is a purely technical bill aimed at improving inaccuracies that can be classified into four categories. These are minor errors that need to be corrected and that were noticed in the period between the time when the Act of 7 May 1999 was adopted and today.

On Article 2, two amendments were submitted by Mr Grafé. The first was unanimously adopted, the second one with one abstinence. Thus, Article 2 as amended, as well as the entire draft law as amended, was unanimously approved. Here is my brief report on this bill.

Jean-Pierre Grafé LE

Mr. Speaker, we should welcome the diligence with which the Committee on Commercial Law and, today, the Plenary Assembly have enabled us to advance in the consideration of these proposed amendments. by

This will allow us to arrive in time so that the new Code of Companies, voted in the previous legislature but which will enter into force on 6 February next year, can be amended in a technical way in order to ensure the indispensable concordances and to make language corrections. And especially so that these amendments can be published and take effect at the same time as the Company Code.

However, there remains a danger: if the Senate had to make an evocation, we would risk, if the procedure was not followed very carefully, to no longer find ourselves within the time to allow the entry into force of these amendments at the same time as the law on the Code of Companies. I would therefore ask you to be ⁇ attentive to this agreement in case of reference by the Senate. by

I would like to thank the House because I am pleased to see that this is the second proposal from a member of the opposition that has been adopted – and I hope again this time – unanimously by our assembly.