Proposition 50K0665

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Projet de loi modifiant l'article 1er ter de la loi du 6 août 1931 établissant des incompatibilités et interdictions concernant les ministres, anciens ministres et ministres d'Etat, ainsi que les membres et anciens membres des Chambres législatives.

General information

Open Vld Hugo Coveliers
Submission date
May 22, 2000
Official page
Member of Parliament multiple office holding national parliament incompatibility


Voted to adopt
PS | SP Open Vld MR FN VB
Voted to reject
Abstained from voting
Groen CD&V LE

Party dissidents

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June 28, 2000 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur André Frédéric

I am referring to my written report.

Hugo Coveliers Open Vld

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Minister, I will be brief. It follows that a community senator, which is a person appointed by the communities to seat in the Senate, cannot be entrusted with a municipal mandate because at that time, in the constitutional revision, it was assumed that this would involve too much work for the person concerned. After approximately five years of practice, it turned out that this actually constitutes a discrimination against the senators and that the activity of a municipal council member does not actually affect the fact that one exercises a mandate as a senator, also and above all in this way can lead to a discrimination against the senators. After all, some would be allowed to exercise the office of mayor, while others should not even be a member of the municipal council. Hence my proposal – which was accepted by the committee – to amend that part of the law.

Jef Tavernier Groen

Mr. Coveliers’ proposal and his reasoning are very interesting. This affects a sensitive area, in particular the cumulation of all kinds of political mandates. There is still a discrimination between, on the one hand, senators and chamber members who are not allowed to cumulate any political mandate, not even to be a municipal council member or OCMW council member, and, on the other hand, senators and chamber members who are undoubtedly allowed to cumulate and even observe the increasingly important post of mayor. Given the new view on this matter and the serene debate on the cumulation of political mandates, Mr. Coveliers’ proposal seems to be situated between the two extreme positions taken on this subject, where either everything or nothing is permitted. Per ⁇ everyone sees a good intermediate solution in that proposal. We are willing to support this proposal, but then one must also be consistent and stretch the line. Per ⁇ it was a coincidence, but during the same committee meeting the proposal of Mrs. Van Weert was addressed, also concerning the cumulation of political mandates, in which the same reasoning is actually followed, but then passed on to the other members of parliament. Now, with surprise and disappointment, I found that those who supported Mr. Coveliers’ proposal did not take the same attitude towards Mrs. Van Weert’s proposal, although they logically should have done so. Since one bill was approved, but the other not, we are considering our voting behavior tomorrow. Basically, we agree with Mr. Coveliers’ proposal, but we believe that Mrs. Van Weert’s bill should also be approved in order to eliminate all discrimination in this regard.