Proposition 50K0575

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Projet de loi relative à l'introduction de l'euro dans la législation concernant les matières visées à l'article 78 de la Constitution.

General information

Submitted by
Groen Open Vld Vooruit PS | SP Ecolo MR Verhofstadt Ⅰ
Submission date
April 7, 2000
Official page
Economic and Monetary Union European Union European integration euro monetary policy monetary integration monetary union


Voted to adopt
Groen Ecolo PS | SP Open Vld MR
Abstained from voting

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May 10, 2000 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Alfons Borginon Open Vld

I would like to intervene immediately in the general discussion and defend my two amendments on two different bills. The government is given a number of powers to amend a number of legislative provisions in the context of the transition to the euro in order to make the numbers hit. In itself, this is a normal practice. However, the powers given by the Chamber to the government are, in some cases, very large. It gives the government the power to change, for example, figures of 200 million francs in our legislation. This is a sum that can be discussed in parliament. Therefore, I have submitted two amendments to change the Government’s authority for numbers and to limit it to the small amounts.

Minister Didier Reynders

I would like to use my answer to make two general remarks. The first concerns all the rounding technique that we will use in the execution decisions of these three texts. I would like to remind you that for a time ⁇ the roundings will systematically be made at the customer’s advantage. In other words, in social legislation, in tax legislation, we will always arrange the round to the benefit of the beneficiary of the benefits or to the benefit of the taxpayer and not to the benefit of the state. I think it is useful to signal it. A budget provision has been provided for this purpose for an amount corresponding to these districts. For now, we have estimated at least one billion francs for the consequences of the technical rounding. My second point concerns the execution orders. We are far from having full powers in this matter. I confirm here what I have stated in the committee. I would like these implementing orders to be submitted to the Finance Committee as soon as they are submitted again to the Council of Ministers after they return from the Council of State. There will therefore be a very direct information from the Finance Commission, as the resolutions are adopted by the Council of Ministers, after the examination by the Council of State of course. Second element related to this procedure: I announced that I would each time submit to the Council of Ministers the draft ratification laws at the same time as the resolutions. In this way, the ratification debate will take place very soon after the adoption of the resolutions by the government. In any way, the information and therefore, if necessary, the debate in the committee or within the parliament, evoked by Mr. Borginon, may take place since the texts will be communicated before they are finally arrested within the government.

President Herman De Croo

Mr. Minister, it is not only for information that you will communicate the draft royal arrests to the commission.

Minister Didier Reynders

I say that the debate can then take place since the texts will be communicated as soon as they return to the State Council. It is clear that if the committee should focus on fundamental remarks, supported by a large proportion of the members of this committee, we would take them into account as soon as the final texts are adopted. Otherwise, this will have to be done during the discussion on ratification.