Projet de loi modifiant la loi du 15 mai 2007 relative à la sécurité civile en ce qui concerne le budget.
General information ¶
- Authors
- N-VA Koenraad Degroote, Koen Metsu, Brecht Vermeulen
- Submission date
- Jan. 17, 2017
- Official page
- Visit
- Status
- Adopted
- Requirement
- Simple
- Subjects
- budget budgetary procedure civil defence drawing up of the budget
Voting ¶
- Voted to adopt
- Groen CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP DéFI ∉ Open Vld N-VA LDD MR PVDA | PTB PP VB
Contact form ¶
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Discussion ¶
June 15, 2017 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)
Full source
President Siegfried Bracke ⚙
Mr Top and Mr Thiébaut and Mrs Poncelet, rapporteurs, refer to the written report.
You are the chief employee, Mr. Metsu. You have the word.
Koen Metsu N-VA ⚙
I understand that this proposal does not lead to much discussion. What is the intention? Currently, the rescue zones in Belgium must deliver their budgets to the local authorities in October.
We would very much like to see two words included in the bill, so that it will be “at the end of October”. In fact, it is a kind of favourable measure. We will not make it all stricter or more difficult for aid zones, but suppose that a zone is ready with the budget early, for example in September, then it is very interesting for mayors and local governments to get that budget a little earlier. The two words “at last” are not so insignificant.
We have had a very polite discussion on this in our committee.