Proposition 54K0133

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Proposition de loi modifiant la loi du 30 juillet 1938 concernant l'usage des langues à l'armée.

General information

PS | SP Philippe Blanchart, Stéphane Crusnière, Julie Fernandez Fernandez, Sébastian Pirlot
Submission date
Aug. 19, 2014
Official page
armed forces use of languages


Voted to adopt
Voted to reject
Abstained from voting
Groen Vooruit Ecolo PVDA | PTB PP VB

Party dissidents

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April 2, 2015 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Damien Thiéry

I refer to the written report.

Sébastian Pirlot PS | SP

Mr. Speaker, dear colleagues, we have requested that our bill be added to the agenda, given that the majority of us previously refused the establishment of the “Language Balance” Working Group of follow-up.

This legislative proposal fulfils the fifth recommendation of the Working Group of the previous legislature. The report is available. It is in no way a question of a new community policy, but rather of perpetuating the exercise and of always giving to this situation a long-term will rather than a given time.

Our proposal aims to implement article 31bis of the law of 30 July 1938 concerning the use of languages in the military, which provides for a language inspection commission, responsible for monitoring the application of this law.

This committee, however, requires a more intense and precise implementation and redefinition of its statute and its tasks. In this way, it can finally function properly and, above all, be effectively implemented for both Dutch and French speakers, which, unfortunately, is not the case today.

Article 2, § 1, of our proposal therefore aims to implement this linguistic inspection commission effectively and effectively. Our goal is to ensure transparency in this process and therefore to avoid in the future any sterile controversy on this subject by objectivizing it.

I can only regret that I was forced to ask an oral question in order to obtain answers from Mr. The Minister on this text, while he was present at the debate in the committee and preferred to remain silent rather than answer me.

Finally, this proposal co-signed by our colleague Denis Ducarme during the previous legislature, the addendum to support, I do not doubt for a moment that the MR, like a single man, will vote for the latter in order to make this famous adage lie: "Sometimes MR varies! He is the one who is good at it.”