Proposition 53K3507

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Projet de loi portant assentiment à l'Accord entre le Royaume de Belgique et les Etats-Unis d'Amérique relatif au statut d'une catégorie de personnel relevant des Forces des Etats-Unis, fait à Bruxelles le 13 juillet 2012.

General information

Submitted by
The Senate
Submission date
Feb. 27, 2014
Official page
NATO United States international agreement armed forces


Voted to adopt
CD&V Vooruit LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA LDD MR VB
Voted to reject
Groen Ecolo

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April 23, 2014 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Els Demol

I refer to the written report.

There must be a very small addition. Today we voted on Article 3 of the draft law. That was forgotten yesterday because one had not seen that there was another article on the back of the document. In the Committee on Foreign Relations of the latter year, we passed the discussion and corrected the error (see erratum, nr. 3507 and 3). It was approved with ten votes in favour and one abstinence. It was also re-voted as a whole and was also approved by ten votes in favour and one abstinence.

Ministre Didier Reynders

Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank the committee that met this noon to approve this additional article.

President André Flahaut

We have shown great flexibility.