Proposition 53K3484

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Projet de loi portant exécution du Règlement (UE) n° 181/2011 du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 16 février 2011 concernant les droits des passagers dans le transport par autobus et autocar et modifiant le règlement (CE) n° 2006/2004.

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Submitted by
PS | SP the Di Rupo government
Submission date
March 24, 2014
Official page
EC Regulation bus consumer protection fine international transport transport and mobility national implementing measure traveller carriage of passengers transport company road transport


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April 22, 2014 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Tanguy Veys VB

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Secretary of State, I will be quite brief, but I would nevertheless like to take advantage of the discussion in the plenary session. Because of the circumstances, I was not able to make any statements in the Infrastructure Committee.

Mr. Secretary of State, it is a good thing that the present bill transposes a European regulation, which dates back to 2011. With this transition, the so-called rights of bus and touring car passengers are streamlined and clearly sharpened.

Mr. Secretary of State, in the past we have encountered cases in which passengers of touring cars have become the victims of so-called pirates or small ⁇ , who, by using certain techniques, have undermined the good service that many bus and touring car organisations are trying to provide to passengers. Their practices not only resulted in unfair competition; in some cases, incidents also occurred at the expense of passengers or travellers. In some cases, they even became the victims of ill-doing practices. In some cases, the safety was also seriously compromised.

During a hearing with the transport sector, we were also pleased to hear the touring car federation call for very strict regulations to address malicious organizations or practices that damage the industry’s image.

Mr. Secretary of State, she also pointed out – that is why I argue – that the regulation must also ensure that the sector itself is able to implement the rules and that there is a clear framework. Unfortunately, it must be noted that there is also a fixed price.

The fear exists that the travellers will face additional costs. After all, the reimbursement of costs, the reception in case of cancellation and more depends also on a price tag. This should also be taken into account and ensure that the sector itself does not fall victim to more stringent regulation that would put them in financial difficulties.

Finally, I would like to comment on the regulation itself. I think further consultation is needed on this subject. This was also demonstrated in the hearing with the transport sector on the supervision and modalities within which one can do both national and international trips.

Mr. Secretary of State, we know that your concern primarily concerns the safety on the road of drivers and passengers. I share that concern. However, we operate within a European framework and it is also important that that regulation is not a block at the foot of the Belgian loyal car companies. After all, they are often confronted with foreign firms operating on the border of the legal.

Mr. Secretary of State, I hope that regulation, the introduction of the European regulation, will ensure that the rotten apples go out. However, I urge that work be continued in the future to fine-tune that regulation from the sector itself. I am talking, among other things, about the car inspection. The Federation of Belgian Bus and Car Entrepreneurs also calls for continued work on a refinement of this regulation.

In this way, it can be ensured that the Belgian car companies can continue to engage in the international struggle with equal resources and equal weapons.