Proposition 53K3419

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Proposition de résolution relative aux efforts consentis par la Belgique en vue d'assurer un enseignement de qualité dans les pays du Sud.

General information

CD&V Roel Deseyn, Steven Vanackere
Submission date
March 3, 2014
Official page
North-South relations resolution of parliament teaching development aid right to education


Voted to adopt
CD&V Vooruit LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA LDD MR VB
Abstained from voting
Groen Ecolo

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April 23, 2014 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Ingeborg De Meulemeester

I refer to the written report.

Christiane Vienne PS | SP

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Minister, dear colleagues, this text aims to increase the efforts of the Belgian Cooperation on Education.

If, for my group, education has indeed an important and proven impact on economic and human development in the broad sense, it is also a matter of pointing out the efforts already made by our country in this field of development. Thus, Development Cooperation has been systematically investing for several decades in the implementation and improvement of education in the countries of the South. The law of 19 March 2013 put forward by the ministers Magnette and Labille made education a priority.

It is worth noting that in his general policy note, Minister Labille devotes an entire point to the challenge that education constitutes, stipulating black on white that the Belgian Cooperation will continue to support the achievement of the Millennium Education Goals. In addition, the Belgian Cooperation will defend education as one of the pillars of the basic pillar of social protection.

While this proposal of resolution is obviously independent and important in terms of the thematics it deals with, it does not seem to me to undermine what could be considered an open door. In this case, it is more about considering it as an encouragement in the direction taken by the Belgian Development Cooperation rather than as a questioning, while recognising that it is possible to increase the accuracy and clarity in the allocation of spending in the annual report as regards spending for the education and training sector.

It is clear that this resolution aims to continue the efforts made, ⁇ with regard to access to education for girls, but, let’s be clear, realism is imperative. It is essential to note that it is impossible to do everything, both in terms of available resources and agreements already reached on the sectoral concentration of bilateral cooperation by partner countries. That is why I amended this text with my colleague De Croo.

Since all amendments of my group have been adopted in the Committee on Foreign Relations, we will support this text in the plenary session.

Ministre Didier Reynders

Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank the speaker for recalling the efforts already made by the Government in this matter.