Proposition 53K3388

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Projet de loi contenant le premier ajustement du Budget général des dépenses pour l'année budgétaire 2014.

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Submitted by
PS | SP the Di Rupo government
Submission date
Feb. 20, 2014
Official page
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Groen Ecolo

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April 2, 2014 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

President André Flahaut

by Mr. Luk Van Biesen, rapporteur, refers to the written report.

Steven Vandeput N-VA

Colleagues, you are present in large numbers for the very interesting debate on the first adjustment of the 2014 budget.

Colleagues, it may be important to draw your attention to the fact that this is a budget adjustment and not a budget control. We note that as a result of this adjustment, the expenditure of the federal government will again increase by EUR 60 million.

Unexpected spending is indeed possible, but during the discussion in the committee, the Minister’s response repeatedly showed that the adjustments to the budget – some of which are quite necessary – will be compensated by additional revenues.

This, of course, always brings us back to the heart, the reasons for existence, of the current government-Di Rupo. After all, a normal person would try to compensate for the additional expenses by saving extra. However, this does not work in this country, at least not at the federal level. This is just going on with spending. Additional revenue compensation is sought.

We have all been able to see in the media this afternoon that the government-Di Rupo has a remarkably successful budget control behind it. All government members agree. Although the monitoring committee stated that there was a deficit of €45 million, the government notes that there is a surplus of more than €100 million, which means a difference of €140 million. According to Mr Vande Lanotte, this is about things that are not even noticeable in the rounding differences and more.

Colleagues, the fact is – and this is very regrettable – that the balance sheet of the current budget 2014 – I do not point with the finger to the Minister of Budget, of whom I want to assume that he might want to go a little further – indicates that the federal deficit in 2014 will fall by less than 400 million euros, despite incidents.

Colleagues, when we are opposed to the fact that new taxes for one billion euros will be levied in 2014 alone, we know where it is going. The austerity efforts are being transferred to the states and to the future, and thus, colleagues, to yours and to my children.

Again, they are the one-offs, who must blast the budget results. For example, the 2014 budget control reviewed the revenues from tax regularization by €101 million, increasing revenues to €532 million. You could then say that by doing so you would further reduce our deficit. Not so the government-Di Rupo, who is ready to spend that extra money.

If we look at the fiscal policy of the government-Di Rupo over the past three years, we can only conclude that the balance sheet is ⁇ sad. In order to reduce the deficit by four billion euros, the government has, in addition to a whole bunch of one-time measures and a number of savings to look for with scrutiny, set up the country with eight billion new taxes annually. The government has a budget deficit of 9 billion euros. If this country wants to move forward again, there is a need for change.