Proposition 53K3266

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Projet de loi modifiant la loi du 19 décembre 1950 créant l'Ordre des Médecins vétérinaires.

General information

Submitted by
PS | SP the Di Rupo government
Submission date
Dec. 23, 2013
Official page
professional society organisation of professions veterinarian veterinary medicine access to a profession


Voted to adopt
Groen CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld MR
Abstained from voting

Party dissidents

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Feb. 13, 2014 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Valérie Warzée-Caverenne

Mr. Speaker, Mrs. Minister, dear colleagues, the bills that are submitted to our vote constitute an advance in the framework of the veterinary practice expected by the sector.

The proposal did not lead to long debates in the committee. The debate concluded with a vote: ten votes for and two abstentions for the first draft; one unanimous vote for the second.

Veterinary medicine is a difficult practice, especially for large animal veterinarians working in rural areas, callable at all times, at all hours of day and night. The emergence of veterinary centers for small animals and the evolution of administrative work have led to the creation of many associations of veterinarians. In addition, within livestock farms, there is an increased health responsibility of the actors.

The veterinary profession has evolved and modernized. Legislative adjustments are therefore necessary, whether to allow the exercise of veterinary medicine to legal persons registered in the table of the Order of Veterinary Doctors, whether to limit the financial responsibility of the veterinarian through the exercise in society of his profession, as has previously been accomplished for other liberal professions, or to authorise registered legal persons to conclude agreements related to animal health.

By allowing the exercise of the veterinary profession within the framework of a legal person, the legislator facilitates the work in association. All associated veterinarians may intervene and not only the veterinarian who has concluded a convention. This also creates an advantage for farmers working with veterinarians in association. This authorization is not given without guarantee since all veterinarians, natural or legal persons, will have to subscribe to professional liability insurance and will eventually be subject to sanctions.

The bill amending the law of 19 December 1950 establishing the Order of Veterinary Doctors is supplemented by the bill amending the law of 28 August 1991 on the exercise of veterinary medicine. Minimum conditions that the legal person must meet in order to be registered on the tables are established. The Order sees its composition and functioning modernized. Thus these two bills constitute a coherent whole.

We congratulate the Minister and her team for the work done and it is clear that my group will vote in favour.

President André Flahaut

Mr. Minister, you have used your power of conviction on Mrs. Van Gool because she no longer wants to intervene.

Ministre Sabine Laruelle

Mr. Speaker, I did not want to convince her not to say that the project was good.

President André Flahaut

I am surprised by you!

Ministre Sabine Laruelle

Everyone is convinced of this, of course. I just wanted to avoid complicating the debate.