Proposition 53K2241

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Projet de loi en vue d'instaurer le signal d'inciation "voie sans issue, à l'exception des piétons et des cyclistes".

General information

Open Vld Sabien Lahaye-Battheu
Vooruit Karin Temmerman
Submission date
June 7, 2012
Official page
two-wheeled vehicle highway code traffic regulations pedestrian road traffic


Voted to adopt
Groen CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA LDD MR VB

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May 16, 2013 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Ronny Balcaen

Mr. Speaker, if you allow me to do so, I will return to the written report.

Karin Temmerman Vooruit

Mr. Speaker, colleagues, when we think of the future of traffic in our cities, we need to look at alternatives to car transport. The car is indeed a desired means of transport in our society, but in our cities it brings a lot of inconvenience, and traffic safety in particular.

Therefore, we must emphasize that there are alternatives, such as bicycle and public transport. If we choose the bike as an alternative, we should also promote the marginal conditions for the use of the bike as much as possible. One of the possibilities for this is ⁇ found in this bill, which will be able to indicate that certain deadly streets are not deadly for cyclists.

I signed the proposal with great conviction. I hope that it will contribute to a greater use of the bicycle, and especially to a safer use of the bicycle in our cities.

Sabien Lahaye-Battheu Open Vld

Mr. Speaker, first of all, I would like to thank my colleagues from the Infrastructure Committee and the Cabinet of Secretary of State Wathelet for their cooperation on this proposal.

It’s not because a road goes dead for vehicles that the road can’t go through for cyclists and pedestrians or the weak road users, as Ms. Temmerman called them.

The reason for the bill was a sample taken last year that showed remarkable figures. In fact, that sample showed that 70% of our dead roads are actually continuous for cyclists and pedestrians.

With the bill, the Road Code gives a legal basis to the traffic sign F45b, the sign that shows that the road is dead and therefore no longer can be used by vehicles, but is continuous for pedestrians and cyclists.

I hope that with the proposal pedestrians and cyclists will discover new roads that today appear inaccessible to them.

Today I also make a call to the local mandators among you all, both of the majority and of the opposition, to look in your city or municipality which roads are continuous for pedestrians and cyclists and to place the new sign, on which we will vote later and for which I ask your support.

Le Président: Somebody asks-t-il yet the word? (No to)

Does anyone ask for the word? (Not to)

The general discussion is closed.

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