Proposition 51K3061

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Projet de loi contenant le deuxième ajustement du Budget général des dépenses de l'année budgétaire 2007.

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Submitted by
PS | SP MR Open Vld Vooruit Purple Ⅰ
Submission date
April 4, 2007
Official page
budget national budget


Voted to adopt
Vooruit PS | SP Open Vld MR

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April 26, 2007 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Annemie Roppe

Mr. Speaker, Ministers, colleagues, I would like to report here on the discussion of the second adjustment of the 2007 budget. The comprehensive report, prepared by the services in a wonderful manner, for which I thank you, you have just been concerned. I can assume that not everyone has been able to pass through that lively report in the meantime. I would like a small synthesis. As you are of me, I will be short and concise.

The Minister started with an introduction, first indicating trends on primary spending and then explaining the concrete measures. It subsequently demonstrated that the budget objective was achieved and that the debt rate of 87,5% of GDP had fallen below 90%.

She subsequently placed the 2007 budget in a macroeconomic setting to subsequently illustrate the principles and fiscal policy as such. Details on this can be found, of course, in the interesting report, which I have already mentioned.

In its conclusion, the Minister referred to the dynamic fiscal policy that has been pursued and which removes its preference over a purely accounting approach. She also emphasized that the OECD supports this combined policy.

After receiving the comments and observations from the Court of Auditors, the discussion on this subject was continued. The minister gave her responses to the various comments, after which the opposition, only at the mouth of colleagues Bogaert and Devlies, gave his criticism. Other members of the opposition glorified by their absence.

According to colleague Bogaert, the federal budget is becoming increasingly problematic, which colleague Devlies called. For the late bitter debate – the presence of cameras was of course not strange to that – I refer to the written report.

We received clear answers from the Court of Auditors on questions from colleagues mentioned above, from Mr Tommelein and de Donnea and from myself.

Both the articles and the entire bill were adopted with eight votes for and two votes against.

Thank you for your attention.