Proposition 51K2843

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Projet de loi modifiant la loi du 14 juillet 1991 sur les pratiques du commerce et sur l'information et la protection du consommateur.

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Submitted by
PS | SP MR Open Vld Vooruit Purple Ⅰ
Submission date
Jan. 11, 2007
Official page
EC Regulation consumer protection


Voted to adopt
CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA MR FN VB

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March 1, 2007 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

President Herman De Croo

Mrs De Meyer, rapporteur, refers to her written report.

Do you want to take the word in the general discussion? with pleasure. I think some colleagues could continue this activity later. Mrs. Peterson, you know my opinion on this.

Trees Pieters CD&V

The proposed bill aims to transpose into Belgian law Regulation 2006/2004 on cooperation between national authorities responsible for the enforcement of consumer protection legislation.

Normally, a regulation does not need to be transposed as it is directly applicable, unless the regulation itself specifically requires that, as is the case in this case.

This Regulation is especially important in order to coordinate and streamline the cooperation between competent authorities in the field of consumer protection in the different Member States. It is becoming increasingly clear that the struggle for consumer protection needs to be increasingly European. The Regulation therefore has an important practical impact.

Mr. Minister, during the discussion, I have confronted you with a number of observations made by the State Council, primarily concerning the limited layout of the draft regulation and very specifically whether the draft can cover all intra-Community infringements, including those included in other legislation, and whether the effect would not have been understood too limited and too minimalist.

You have pointed out that, in principle, a regulation does not need to be transposed into domestic law and that the directive in the annex has already been transposed into the domestic legal order.

Articularly, I have asked for a number of clarifications, which I have always received an answer.

Since the small bill ensures the conformity of the legislation on consumer protection within the European Economic Area and you have given an adequate answer to our questions this time, our group has approved the draft and will also do so in the plenary session.

Minister Freya Van den Bossche

Mr. Speaker, I just want to thank the Commissioners for their ⁇ constructive attitude and support.