Proposition 51K2833

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Projet de loi interdisant le financement de la fabrication, de l'utilisation ou de la détention de mines antipersonnel et de sous-munitions.

General information

Submitted by
The Senate
Submission date
Dec. 5, 2006
Official page
conventional weapon financing arms limitation arms trade money laundering


Voted to adopt
CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA MR FN VB

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March 1, 2007 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Dirk Van der Maelen Vooruit

Mr. Speaker, I would like to draw the attention of the House to the fact that this is actually closing a cycle. In the 1980s, the House of Representatives passed a law prohibiting landmines. Last year we passed a law on the prohibition of cluster bombs. At the moment, we are working with the Minister of Foreign Affairs to reach an international ban.

I think that today we can provide for the closing part of the decision-making in this by approving a ban on financing. The bill stipulates that all banks based in Belgium, Belgian and foreign banks, would no longer be allowed to cooperate in the production of landmines and cluster bombs. There is a fairly large delegation for the King. A list should be drawn up to make it clear to Belgian banks which activities are prohibited. I think it is good that the Chamber closely monitors what the government is going to do with this large delegation.

Philippe Monfils MR

Mr. Speaker, I have no objection to vote for the ban on the financing of the manufacture of anti-personnel mines: they are prohibited. I also have no objection to submunition.

I will simply remind that it is necessary to take into account the law of 18 May 2006 that we voted for and which considers that "not submunitions, dispersion devices containing only smoke material or lighting equipment, nor devices containing multiple ammunition intended solely to pierce and destroy armored works, which can only be used for this purpose, without the possibility of saturation of combat areas by a mandatory control system".

I simplify: what I just quoted is not considered submunition and, of course, the ban on submunition financing does not apply to it. I would like to recall this since we voted a law that amends a law in which this particular provision is embedded.

As a result of this, it is clear that I vote for the whole bill.