Proposition 51K2446

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Projet de loi modifiant l'article 249, § 1er, alinéa 2, du Code des droits d'enregistrement, d'hypothèque et de greffe, en ce qui concerne les droits liés à un changement de prénom.

General information

Vooruit Annelies Storms, Guido Swennen
Submission date
April 27, 2006
Official page
civil status


Voted to adopt
CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA MR VB

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April 12, 2007 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

President Herman De Croo

Mr Marinower is the rapporteur but he is legally prevented. He asks me to refer to his written report.

Mr. Mortelmans, do you ask the word in the general discussion?

Jan Mortelmans VB

Mr. Speaker, as regards the arrangement of the work, it does bother me, however, that the rapporteur regularly refers to the written report, while in the Chamber several Chamber members would like to take that task to heart. Whenever they raise their hand in a committee to become a rapporteur, they must not be. However, I would like to insist that, if someone is appointed as a rapporteur, he also comes to play as a rapporteur here in the Chamber.

I would like to have that. It is not possible, however, that every time it is communicated through telepathy that the person concerned says that he refers to the written report. This is of course not true. I would like to insist that in the future the rapporteurs will always be present here.

President Herman De Croo

I understand your comments, but when you look at the report, even if you read it literally, with all respect, document 2446/3. But I understand that you are talking about the principle.

Jan Mortelmans VB

It is a declaration of principles, which I present here, not only for this, but also for previous and future discussions in the Chamber.

Bart Laeremans VB

Mr. Speaker, I would very much like to join myself to this point and to say the following. The only thing that is the real job for a rapporteur is to come to the speaker’s floor right in the plenary session and bring a summary. The other work, the written report, is entirely the work of the services; that can be said and underlined. Many people think: look at what that member of parliament has done there; that is quite a worker, who has a whole palmares, who has written hundreds of pages of reports during this legislature. But that is all false, of course, because it is purely the staff members of the Chamber who do it.

The only real work a rapporteur should come to do is to come forward and present a summary here in the middle of the parliamentary hemisphere, which he – I suspect, because I can’t know it, I have never had to do it myself – himself wrote.

If he does not already do that, he has actually done nothing and his name is incorrectly written under that parliamentary document.

President Herman De Croo

Colleague, I do not want to write history, but when I came here, the rapporteur was the member. Mr. Tant may still remember writing his report with the pen in his hand on the bench of the committee. Being a rapporteur was not easy, sometimes it is not technically easy. More than that, the rapporteur sat next to the minister and could possibly be a witness to what was said in the committee.

I must also say that the volume of the texts has become more complex. The firmness of the secretariat – you submitted it later – is high, but I note what you said.

Marleen Govaerts VB

Mr. Speaker, during the four years that I have been here, I should never have been a rapporteur in the committee, and that only because I am of the Flemish Interest, I think so.

President Herman De Croo

Who knows?