Proposition 51K2394

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Projet de loi modifiant l'article 9 de la loi du 14 août 1986 relative à la protection et au bien-être des animaux, en vue de réduire le délai d'attente après lequel un chien abandonné peut être adopté.

General information

Submitted by
The Senate
Submission date
April 25, 2005
Official page
protection of animals


Voted to adopt
CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA MR FN VB

Party dissidents

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Feb. 8, 2007 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Paul Tant CD&V

Mr. Speaker, you can tell the government that if they want a number of matters to be addressed, discussed and voted, she must be present here.

President Herman De Croo

You are absolutely right.

Paul Tant CD&V

The government is ready to give us instructions when we have to meet. It comes down to that, but when we meet, they are not present, even when it comes to their own texts.

President Herman De Croo

This is a bill that comes from the Senate and has become a bill. It’s not the same, but I share your opinion.

Tony Van Parys CD&V

Mr. Speaker, if you disrupt the agenda, we should have the opportunity to notify our colleagues who want to make a presentation on these drafts.

President Herman De Croo

At the moment no one is registered.

Tony Van Parys CD&V

Let us examine that.

President Herman De Croo

Do you do. One may have thought that it would take a little longer and that one could come a little later. I understand you. I have as much respect for the Chamber Members as for the Ministers, and I express myself cautiously.

Rapporteur Magda De Meyer

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Minister, colleagues, the present draft is indeed to be brought back to a bill from the Senate and was submitted as a draft to the House.

The draft law stipulates that the period that must expire before an abandoned dog can be adopted would be shortened. Nowadays, people have to wait 45 days before they can adopt an abandoned dog. It is intended to reduce this period from 45 to 15 days. There is, of course, one goal: to counter the overpopulation in animal shelters. The majority of representative animal shelters have therefore responded positively to this amendment.

During the discussions, both my group and the VLD, the PS and CD&V have spoken out in favour of this bill. They could all stand behind the idea that is at the basis of the bill. During the discussion, the question was also asked whether there is no problem if a owner appears after 15 days. However, this seems to happen little or never. In addition, it was also pointed out that since 1998 the identification obligation for dogs has existed. This means that they are chiped so that one can find the owner. By 2007, most dogs should be identifiable. There is also the European passport. Therefore, it is unlikely that the owner will still appear after 15 days.

After the discussion, this bill was unanimously adopted.