Proposition 51K1954

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Projet de loi portant réouverture des délais d'introduction des demandes pour l'obtention d'un statut de reconnaissance nationale de la guerre 1940-1945 et de la campagne de Corée.

General information

Submitted by
PS | SP MR Open Vld Vooruit Purple Ⅰ
Submission date
July 18, 2005
Official page
war war victim ex-serviceman


Voted to adopt
CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA MR FN VB

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Nov. 24, 2005 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Colette Burgeon

Mr. Speaker, the Public Health Committee examined this bill during its meeting of 8 November 2005. In his introductory speech, Mr. The Minister of Defense recalled that several times measures had already been taken in favor of war victims; however, some people do not use the opportunities offered to them. This is why the opportunity is now given to each and every one, without limitation in time, to request recognition as a victim of war. This measure would give access to the refund of the moderator ticket. The Supreme Council of War Invalides, the Finance Inspectors, the Minister of Budget and the Council of Ministers issued a positive opinion on the bill.

In the general discussion, I spoke to thank the Minister for taking this initiative. Ms Dierickx also considered that the bill had a praiseworthy objective, since it allows its beneficiaries to request the refund of the moderator ticket. She asked how many people were involved in the project and what budget resources should be devoted to it.

by Mr. Chevalier noted that Article 2 mentions fishing sailors and wondered why this category of people was recovered among war victims. by Mr. Verhaegen noted that the project was examined during the week of November 11, 2005. He welcomed that Belgians who fought during the Korean War can now claim national recognition status. He also welcomed that the national recognition status now offers benefits in terms of health care. He also asked why a new commission was set up to examine this case of national recognition and why the minister wanted to appoint the members of that commission himself. Ms. Cahay-André asked the Minister about the possibility of allowing persons to obtain the status of national recognition posthumously, since it is an honorary title.

In his responses, the minister said that the bill concerns about 600 people. The cost of this measure is estimated at 161,000 euros for 2006 and 152,000 euros for 2007. The category of fishing seafarers entitles to this status, given that these persons have run the risks associated with the presence of mines.

The National Recognition Commission is created to settle disputed cases. It is not possible to apply for the status of national recognition posthumously; the benefits associated with it are no longer of any use. The Minister answered the question of Mr. Verhaegen, who asks him if he already knows who will sit in this committee.

In the discussion of the articles, Ms. Cahay-André and consorts submitted various amendments, taking into account the observations made by the State Council. All amended articles and the entire draft law were adopted unanimously.

A few words, Mr. Speaker, on behalf of my group. The Socialist Party of course welcomes the content of this bill. The opportunity is now given to everyone and without limitation of time—which is truly innovative—to request recognition as a victim of war. This recognition will give access to the refund of the moderator ticket; we can only congratulate!

Benoît Drèze LE

I will be extremely brief. The CDH obviously welcomes the adoption of this project and the unanimity surrounding this adoption. We welcome everyone at this meeting.

Hilde Dierickx Open Vld

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Minister, Ladies and Gentlemen, the VLD fully supports the proposal. It is praiseworthy that all categories of war victims are given the opportunity to receive medical care.

The law of 1999 already allowed them to obtain the status of national recognition, but that had mainly moral consequences and not financial consequences. Now, therefore, the executive power gives them the opportunity to receive a financial intervention by reimbursing the brake fee for medical care.

The measure comes on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the liberation of our country and can ⁇ count as a signal. It deserves the necessary support from Parliament. After all, the government must continue to show gratitude towards the war victims and former warriors. We must, of course, realize that this whole problem will have an exhaustive character given the age of the war victims.

It is a good thing that nine of the fourteen requirements were included in the Central Committee of September 2001.

The implementation of those measures began in 2003 and will continue next year. The VLD fully supports this. Of course, agreed agreements must be respected.

We see that in the current and in the previous legislature a lot of legislative initiatives have been taken with regard to the veterans and the war disabled. It is good that our country, and therefore also its political government, continues to show its gratitude.

Magda De Meyer Vooruit

Mr. Speaker, I would like to join the praise statements on this draft. The veterans are behind us at the heart. As the daughter of a former warrior, they have a warm place in my heart. We have already taken various initiatives in the past that have always been widely supported by all groups. Among them was the refund of the brake money for this senior group and the settlement of the file of the Polish former fighters. This is a next step that we are very pleased with and we know that the minister concerned still has new things in hand for these people who are slowly disappearing. This is the least government can do for these people. We fully support this project.