Proposition 50K1945

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Projet de loi modifiant les articles 9 et 12.6 de la loi sur le bail à ferme.

General information

Submitted by
The Senate
Submission date
April 6, 2000
Official page
farm lease


Voted to adopt
Groen CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA MR FN VB

Party dissidents

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April 3, 2003 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

President Herman De Croo

by Mr. Léon Campstein returns to his written report.

Muriel Gerkens Ecolo

I will be very brief. This bill that comes to us from the Senate is a minimum measure to resolve problems related to the transmission or maintenance of agricultural farms to the benefit of real agricultural professionals, to prevent that heritage fall into societies that exhaust land and make access to land difficult for future farmers. This proposal does not mean much.

Therefore, a comprehensive reform regarding land lease must be seriously considered and it will be for the next legislature.

With regard to this project, I had submitted an amendment in the committee which I think everyone agreed to say that it was good.

This project is formulated in such a way that to benefit from the measure and to be able to maintain the farms in the hands of professional farmers, in the event that a couple, two brothers or

This proposal, which has become a draft, comes from the Senate. It is intended to address the problems associated with the transfer or preservation of farms to the benefit of real professional farmers and is minimalist. It is worth considering to thoroughly reform the rental law during the next governing term.

I had in the committee an amendment on this draft ingediend. According to the design must be when a couple of two people are occupied on this farm, it will be necessary that these two people are directly involved in the management of the farm. For example, a wife who has an additional job waiting for the operation to be profitable will not be able to benefit from the measure.

This amendment was refused due to timing because it would have had to repass to the Senate before the return to the Chamber. You regret it bitterly because this project introduces a discrimination who, at my opinion, risks de poser problem puisque la révision complète de toute la législation sur le bail à ferme prendra quelques années. two brothers are active in the same undertaking, both directly involved in the management of the undertaking in order to benefit from the proposed measure. This measure, for example, does not apply to a spouse who is going to update until the business is profitable. With my amendment, I intended to remove this condition because this could discourage the wife from seeking work outside the company. This amendment was rejected due to lack of time. I am sorry because this draft includes a discriminatory measure.