Proposition 50K0704

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Projet de loi visant à promouvoir la production socialement responsable.

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Submitted by
The Senate
Submission date
Nov. 10, 1998
Official page
foreign aid aid policy development aid


Voted to adopt
Groen Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA MR
Abstained from voting

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Nov. 28, 2001 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Leen Laenens

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Secretary of State, Ladies and Gentlemen. It is important to stop at the report of the discussion of this bill. What is presented here today has gone a long way. The advantage of this is that we can assume that it is a very well-thought-out and substantiated bill that we are questioning here. In advance, I would like to formally report some small text corrections in such a way that, in this regard, we avoid any discussion afterwards. It is about the text adopted in the committee, page 5, paragraph 7, of Article 3. In the last sentence "in the country or in an organization that is at the basis of this..." "a" must be replaced by "the".

Further in Article 4, paragraph 1st, a line must follow "certification" on the front-last line. In paragraph 2, paragraph 2, "accredited bodies for the award" the word "of" is missing. In the French version, the same paragraph 2, the word "international" is missing. It should be stated "les organismes accredités par des organisations internationales". This is for the sake of completeness in order to present the text correctly.

In the general presentation, the applicant, Mr Van der Maelen, outlined the purpose of this bill, more specifically as an attempt to reduce the gap between the North and the South. There are three key aspects: development cooperation itself, trade and industrialization of the South. This draft law aims to make this latter remedy more effective. It is important to emphasize that it proposes a positive approach and, above all, that this certification is granted on a voluntary basis.

It is also important that a number of comments from the European Commission are included in amendments and are part of what has been approved in the committee. There can therefore no longer be ambiguity about the voluntary nature of this arrangement. The essence of this arrangement is something agreed within the International Labour Organization and approved by ⁇ 75% of the Member States, namely the five so-called basic standards. Minister Picqué said in his explanation that at the moment there is such an evolution that there are still few who will discuss the need for ethical measures in globalization. The establishment of this certification mark meets the growing concern of many consumers. Furthermore, this label is a way to make visible a number of concerns and ethical conditions that are being placed. The representative of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs underlined that he is not opposed to promoting the consumption of goods produced in a socially responsible manner. He asked a number of questions about this bill. These questions were systematically answered by the applicants in order to facilitate the discussion on issues such as practical feasibility and the interpretation of the job. Of course, no one can argue that a European label will have more influence. However, it is important to take an initiative in this. This is the role that Belgium can play in the European Union. Mr. Eyskens and Mr. Willems, together with me, have emphasized that this can give a positive signal. This is in response to an effort in which the entire international community will find itself again sooner or later. Mr Versnick has stated that he supports the purpose of the draft. For Mr. Eerdekens, this is an important step forward, which was also the opinion of Mr. Lefevre. Of course, the Minister retains the power to refuse the label if the committee proposed to grant it. This is only possible if the decision is motivated. In this way, it helps the discussion point of possible embargoes from the world. The importance of the government as a party involved has been demonstrated in a comprehensive report and hearings in the Senate. It was pointed out that all possible initiatives around codes of conduct that have already existed in the past have always been overwhelmed. No one actually had the necessary authority to control this and possibly punish it. Of course, the draft was drawn up in such a way that it would not conflict with an international recognition organization if it were to exist. An important point that has been cited is that additional technical and financial assistance needs to be provided in order to encourage the use of this label. This was also promised from the perspective of development cooperation. It is also important to note that the report was accompanied by a note drawn up by Professor Dehouse. This will help any discussion from around the world regarding possible incompatibility with the WTO rules. The amended and corrected draft was adopted in the committee with ten votes and one abstinence. It has been explained and prepared in various places over the past few years by various forums. From different angles, one will be very pleased if we can make this design into law.

Dirk Van der Maelen Vooruit

Mr. Speaker, in 1993 I submitted a similar bill for the first time, but it was not approved. In 1996 I submitted a new bill. The examination of this bill could not be fully completed by the dissolution of Parliament. In this legislature we have submitted the proposal again and we will hopefully approve it tomorrow.

The fact that only red and green are present in the room is illustrative. I would like to express my gratitude not only to the rapporteur, Mrs. Laenens, but also to point out that this bill has been carried by red and green.

Finally, I would like to thank the Minister present. Without his assistance and that of his predecessor, Mr. Di Rupo, we would not be able to vote on this bill tomorrow. I would like to thank both ministers for the technical side of the matter. Organizing the control of this system was only possible thanks to the cooperation of the services of the Minister of Economic Affairs because this is a very complex matter. I also thank them for bringing this bill beyond the rocks of the committee and the World Trade Organization.

I can say that there is a democratic problem in this area. A member of parliament who has to get a bill entirely through the committee alone can never get it. One can only rely on the willingness of the executive power. I thank again Minister Picqué for the fact that he, together with his employees, has been so willing to carry out this bill beyond all rocks.

Minister Charles Picqué

Mijnheer de voorzitter, ik will vooreerst een hulde brengen aan de vastberadenheid in het doorzettingsvermogen van de heer Van der Maelen. Myheer Van der Maelen, you know that you can count on me. The credit of this label will depend largely on the control that will be exercised. We can rejoice because we have seriously worked together in the preparation and implementation of this project until the vote tomorrow, I hope. However, we must remain vigilant and ensure effective control of the enforcement of our bill. I will, for my part, make sure that this label enjoys the credibility it deserves.