Proposition 50K0652

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Projet de loi modifiant l'article 72, 5°, de la nouvelle loi communale.

General information

N-VA Geert Bourgeois, Karel Van Hoorebeke
Submission date
May 15, 2000
Official page
municipality incompatibility representative of local or regional authority


Voted to adopt
Groen CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA MR FN VB

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June 28, 2000 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Francis Van den Eynde VB

Mr. Speaker, you announce the treatment of the Bill-Bourgeois.

President Herman De Croo

Mr. Van den Eynde, the text of the draft law to limit by half the devolutionary force of the list votes and to abolish the distinction between candidate holders and candidate successors for the election of the federal legislative chambers and the Council of the German-speaking Community has not yet been rounded up on the banks. That is why I am going to address item 3 of the agenda.

Luc Paque LE

I have a question about the order of our work.

President Herman De Croo

The text is here. But let me finish this first. Don’t worry, you won’t be private.

Luc Paque LE

I will have to be absent from the committee, that’s why.

President Herman De Croo

I know . As Mr. said. Van Acker: If they are not here, they are elsewhere.

Geert Bourgeois N-VA

I apologize for my late arrival. I was present in the Justice Committee and had asked me to inform me if my bill was being considered. The purpose of this proposal is to eliminate discrimination. At this time, the municipal law stipulates that the recipient of the OCMW may be a member of the municipal council in a municipality outside its official territory but cannot be a ship or mayor in a municipality where he does not fulfill his official obligations. This is discriminatory. First of all, I do not understand why a recipient of the OCMW who fulfils his obligations in municipality X may be a member of the municipal council in municipality Y but there can be no ships or mayor. Second, this rule does not apply to the other staff of the OCMW. A staff member of the OCMW may not be a municipal council member, no ships or mayor in the municipality where he is employed as a staff member of the OCMW but may be a municipal council member, ships or mayor in another municipality. A regional recipient of the OCMW may be ships and mayor in a municipality where he does not perform his duties. A secretary of the OCMW may be a municipal council member, ship or mayor in a municipality other than that in which he performs his duties. A secretary or a recipient of a municipality may be a municipal council member, ship or mayor of a municipality other than that in which he performs his duties. Exception is made only for a recipient of the OCMW. I have submitted a bill to remove this anomaly that was overlooked in the revision of the municipal law. I have submitted a written question to the competent Minister. He replied that the law does not allow a recipient of the OCMW to be a ship or mayor in a municipality outside its office area. The Minister of Internal Affairs was so kind and cooperative to confirm in the committee that this legislation could and should be amended. The proposal was approved almost unanimously. I would like to thank my colleagues for their consideration and approval of this proposal.