Projet de loi modifiant l'arrêté royal du 30 septembre 2005 désignant les infractions par degré aux règlements généraux pris en exécution de la loi relative à la police de la circulation routière, en ce qui concerne le fait de ne pas se rabattre à droite après un dépassement.
General information ¶
- Authors
Open Vld Sandrine De Crom, Sabien Lahaye-Battheu, Tim Vandenput - Submission date
- March 13, 2018
- Official page
- Visit
- Status
- Adopted
- Requirement
- Simple
- Subjects
- traffic offence highway code traffic regulations road traffic
Voting ¶
- Voted to adopt
- Groen CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP ∉ Open Vld N-VA MR PVDA | PTB VB
Contact form ¶
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Discussion ¶
Feb. 28, 2019 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)
Full source
President Siegfried Bracke ⚙
Mrs Nele Lijnen, rapporteur, refers to the written report.
Sandrine De Crom Open Vld ⚙
It is my honour and pleasure to be able to submit to you for voting today’s legislative proposal. The proposal was unanimously approved in the Infrastructure Committee, for which I thank the members. I hope that we will be able to get unanimous approval in the plenary session tonight.
My thanks also goes to my predecessor, Mrs. Sabine Lahaye-Battheu, for the advancement she has made in the matter.
What is it all about very concrete? I will give a short explanation.
It is about mid-runners who, according to the survey of Vias, are the biggest source of annoyance in traffic.
A mid-range race is, of course, a violation. Until today, this is an offence of the first degree. Right-wing, on the other hand, is a second-degree offence, although that offence is clearly a consequence of the first offence.
So it seemed unfair and useless to punish both things in different ways. With the proposal presented today, mid-range racing will also become a second-degree offence.
A small technical comment should be made. There is a draft royal decree by Minister Bellot, which is currently in the palace. That royal decree regulates the classification of the infringements and also includes the introduction of an article 13°/1. Also in the present bill there is a provision 13°/1. We would therefore like to replace 13°/1 with 13°/2, which is a small technical adjustment.
President Siegfried Bracke ⚙
Mrs. De Crom, do not apologize for interrupting you. It seems to me to be an effective technical adjustment and therefore not a real amendment. With your approval, we will generally approve this adjustment.
Thus will happen.
It will be so.
Caroline Cassart-Mailleux MR ⚙
Mr. Speaker, the House is about to vote today on an important text that holds me ⁇ at heart. Traffic safety is, as you know, one of my concerns.
One fact is ⁇ appealing to me: centrist motorists who do not slide to the right after a surpassing manoeuvre are, for now, less severely punished than motorists who, due to this behavior, surpass them by the right. This situation is simply inconsistent. The Vias Institute has also awarded the centrists the gold palm of incivility, which is, you will agree, not surprising.
I was ⁇ surprised by the results of this survey: 27% of surveyed drivers say that not sliding to the right is the most annoying behavior on motorways. In addition to this irritation, this type of behavior leads to many accidents. And yet, nowadays, the car driver who does not take his place is less punished than the car driver who, as a result, surpasses him by the right. This situation cannot last anymore. It is about our safety.
We support all objectives aimed at reducing the number of road accidents. We must therefore give ourselves the means to ⁇ this through concrete acts and adequately punish these behaviors. This law proposal will allow to punish in the same way these two types of infringement. Consequently, the police judge may, for these two offences, impose an equivalent penalty.
This amendment to the Royal Decree of 30 September 2005 is self-evident and will allow for an appropriate regulatory framework.