Proposition 54K1215

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Projet de loi modifiant la loi du 15 décembre 1980 sur l'accès au territoire, le séjour, l'établissement et l'éloignement des étrangers.

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Submitted by
MR Swedish coalition
Submission date
June 29, 2015
Official page
administrative structures right of asylum action brought before an administrative court migration policy residence permit rights of aliens


Voted to adopt
Groen CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP DéFI Open Vld N-VA LDD MR PVDA | PTB PP VB

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July 8, 2015 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Koenraad Degroote

Mr. Speaker, this bill aims to increase the number of officers working in the Council for Foreign Disputes. This increase is necessary because the influx has also increased, which leads to a lag in regard to occupations to be treated. In the meantime, the number of magistrates has already increased, but the workload for the secretaries has ⁇ not decreased. In order to keep up with the flow, to keep everyone up-to-date of their file in time and to be able to handle everything properly, this increase in the number of officers is necessary.

The various parties were able to express their views on the matter in the committee last week. After the State Secretary’s explanation, everyone agitatedly agreed that this increase is pressing. This bill was approved unanimously.

Sarah Smeyers N-VA

With this bill, the Government and the Secretary of State intend to increase the number of secretaries of the Council for Foreign Disputes, the RvV, from 10 to 14.

The rapporteur, colleague Degroote, has rightly stated that in recent years, since 2012, the RVV has faced a huge influx of cases. Today, there are an average of 26,000 occupations per year. This has resulted in a downturn of as many as 27,000 jobs. As a result, the Council for Foreign Disputes is no longer in a position to guarantee the necessary legal protection for foreigners and to handle the cases within a reasonable time.

This bill aims to remedy this and aims to guarantee the legal protection of the right-seeking foreigner. It aims to allow the Council for Strangers Disputes to work out the workforce and control the flow of new files.

The government wants to address this through this bill that aims to increase the number of secretaries from 10 to 14. The Secretary of State underlined during the discussion in the committee that it is intended to work with administrative collection cells at the Council for Foreigners Disputes in order to overcome the additional conjunctural downturn. Those cells will be mainly charged with processing files through the purely written procedure; that are judgments that can actually be handled in a freely standardized manner through a purely written procedure.

As long as the necessary frameworking and guidance of the employees, the combination of these pick-up cells with the increase of the number of registers from 10 to 14 should ensure that the lag in the RvV is eliminated and that one is armed against a possible influx of new files. All this is done in order to ensure a sound and effective legal protection for the foreigner applying to the Court of Appeal, so that all interested parties retain their confidence in this court.

As stated earlier, the bill was unanimously approved in the committee. We hope that this will not be the case at the plenary.