Proposition 54K0949

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Projet de loi modifiant la loi du 4 juillet 1989 relative à la limitation et au contrôle des dépenses électorales engagées pour l'élection de la Chambre des représentants, ainsi qu'au financement et à la comptabilité ouverte des partis politiques.

General information

CD&V Servais Verherstraeten
Ecolo Georges Gilkinet
LE Francis Delpérée
MR Sophie Wilmès
Open Vld Luk Van Biesen
PS | SP Ahmed Laaouej
Vooruit Karin Temmerman
Veerle Wouters
Submission date
March 10, 2015
Official page
accounting election financing party financing political parties


Voted to adopt
Groen CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA LDD MR PP VB
Abstained from voting

Party dissidents

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March 19, 2015 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Koenraad Degroote

Law of 4 July 1989 on the Limitation and Control of Election Expenses for the Election of the House of Representatives.

This law was amended by the Act of 6 January 2014 and through that legislative amendment a schedule for the Audit Commission was established. The entry into force of this law was then scheduled for 1 January 2015, so that the documents relating to 2014, the financial year 2014 had to be submitted in that manner. However, the audit committee was only set up on 20 January 2015 and did not yet have a domestic regulation. One of the annexes to that Rules of Procedure was the schedule provided. It wasn’t all done yet. It is therefore requested that the entry into force of those provisions be postponed until 1 January 2016, primarily in order to promote legal certainty.

A proposal was submitted by several colleagues from the N-VA, the CDH, Ecolo-Groen, the PS, the sp.a, the Open Vld, CD&V and the MR. This proposal was discussed in the committee yesterday. Our good colleague Veerle Wouters has given a thorough, detailed and complete explanation to all present and is willing to repeat this full explanation if any questions arise. I think everybody was impressed and would be pleased with the explanation.

Two amendments were adopted at the meeting. The proposal, including the amendments, was unanimously adopted. Ladies and gentlemen, this is my verbal report.

Raoul Hedebouw PVDA | PTB

Mr. Speaker, I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that we sincerely regret, as elected PTB-GO!, not being able to attend discussions on such important topics. Parties that do not constitute a group are not invited to this closed-door committee.

It is abnormal that, in a democratic system, this two-speed democracy is established for a subject that concerns us all. Indeed, the obligations of the party are the same, whether it forms a group or not. Therefore, it would seem to me more reasonable, for this kind of debate, to invite also a representative of the other parties not constituted as a group.

This will improve after the next election, Mr. President. I assure you that we will soon form a group. As long as this is not the case, I would have wanted you to invite us. This is why the PTB-GO! He will abstain from this vote.