Proposition 54K0616

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Projet de loi modifiant la loi relative à la police de la circulation routière, coordonnée le 16 mars 1968, en ce qui concerne la conduite durant la période de prolongation du retrait immédiat du permis de conduire.

General information

CD&V Jef Van den Bergh
MR Emmanuel Burton, Jean-Jacques Flahaux, Gilles Foret
N-VA Daphné Dumery
Open Vld Sabien Lahaye-Battheu
Submission date
Nov. 13, 2014
Official page
traffic offence driving licence penalty road traffic


Voted to adopt
Groen CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA LDD MR PVDA | PTB PP VB

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Feb. 18, 2016 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

President Siegfried Bracke

Mrs Nele Lijnen, rapporteur, refers to the written report.

Jef Van den Bergh CD&V

Mr. Speaker, I would like to give you an explanation on the present bill.

There are no final figures yet, but according to the Traffic Safety Barometer, in 2015 there were 755 road deaths on our Belgian roads, more than two deaths per day. The declining trend of recent years has been reversed. We must not let this happen. We must derive from this that we must continue to work on improving road safety and on, among other things, better traffic regulation and better traffic laws. Everything within our capabilities must be taken to reduce the number of road deaths.

As is commonly known, 90% of all road accidents are due to human errors. That may be inattention, but too often it also involves alcohol and drugs behind the wheel and excessive speed. The behavior and mentality of a group of problem drivers still leaves much to be desired. In this group, flight crime and driving despite a driving ban are also a real problem.

Like in serious traffic offences, the instrument of immediate withdrawal of the driver’s license by the prosecutor or the judicial police is a ⁇ important feature. This is done to keep the driver away from the road during the days after the events. Through the police court, the period of fifteen days can be extended to a maximum of three months. A final penalty for the infringement, possibly a driving ban, will then be discussed later when there is a decision of the police court.

A surprising finding, however, is that due to a forgetting in the legislation, no penalties are provided for driving during the period of extended withdrawal up to a maximum of three months. This is what we want to address with the present bill. We provide for driving during the period in which the immediate withdrawal was extended, in the same penalties as for driving during the first fifteen days of the immediate withdrawal.

That is a logical decision, I think.

Also not insignificant, from now on we prohibit a driver whose driving license was immediately withdrawn from accompanying a pupil-chauffeur during his training. Until now, this was not determined.

The purpose of this bill is to adequately punish drivers who commit serious offences or cause a serious accident, and to punish those who do not follow that punishment also for this. It may be a small step, but every small step can help make our roads safer and reduce road traffic deaths.

I would like to thank my colleagues in the Infrastructure Committee for unanimously supporting the proposal. I hope to be able to count on a similar vote in the plenary session.

Marcel Cheron Ecolo

We will support this text, so that Mr. Van den Bergh is not disappointed twice today. In fact, he is already in pain of heart with regard to the SNCB tariffs. His heart bleeds. With regard to this text, we will support it.