Proposition 53K3251

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Projet de loi relatif à l'affectation des bénéfices exceptionnels de la vente d'or distribués par le Fonds monétaire international.

General information

Submitted by
PS | SP the Di Rupo government
Submission date
Dec. 16, 2013
Official page
International Monetary Fund poverty budget gold reflation loan profit


Voted to adopt
CD&V Vooruit LE PS | SP Open Vld MR
Abstained from voting
Groen Ecolo N-VA LDD VB

Party dissidents

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Jan. 30, 2014 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

President André Flahaut

Mr Carl Devlies, rapporteur, refers to his written report.

Steven Vandeput N-VA

Mr. Speaker, dear colleagues, we would normally simply have to participate in the IMF capital increase. In my presentation I will explain how the government performs that participation in our advantage, so that we can also extract some of it from a budgetary technical point of view.

Simply put, it is about an increase in the subsidy account and the reserve account of the IMF. The sale of a portion of the gold reserves generated profits. The distribution of those profits is beneficial to several countries, but those countries promise to deposit a part back into the fund, so that the fund will eventually be larger.

For technical reasons, this cannot happen immediately with a state benefit that flows back to the IMF. This goes through the National Bank. In itself, there is nothing against it. Everyone agrees that the ultimate goal is justified.

What is Belgium doing then? The government-Di Rupo sees a possibility to bend an operation that should be long-term budgetally neutral, yet in its favour to bend. The reimbursement to the IMF is delayed, which means that the government will already receive a solid balance on the budget this year. Again, it is a transitional operation.

Let me, therefore, immediately explain our attitude in the vote. While we believe that the increase of the IMF fund is necessary, we cannot agree with the way the government-Di Rupo is doing it. We will abstain from voting.

Laurent Louis

Mr. Speaker, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is, in my view, an element to be shattered so that the developing countries that have signed a pact with this body can get their head out of the water. No policy of the IMF, no one has been able to get a country out of the difficulties it encountered. The IMF itself acknowledges, to some extent, its mistakes and its numerous failures and, despite everything, it continues.

In reality, the IMF operates like a bank: it lends you money and imposes its terms for repayment, with interest of course. It does nothing to help you, but in reality it takes money from you; indeed, this organism practices wear. The country that fails to repay must grant its natural resources, its national wealth, its infrastructure at modest prices.

Attention, the IMF is not cheating, it is not content with paper money for these repayments. The IMF knows well that the euro and the dollar are just pieces of paper that are less valuable than toilet paper. The IMF preferred refunds in gold. The IMF is not stupid.

Muammar Gaddafi knew this. He wanted to impose the gold dinar as a standard of exchange, having created the African Monetary Fund (FMA) in order to get out of this IMF grip on the economies of African states. Again, it’s a Polichinelle secret for those who don’t just use RTL or RTBF newspapers to inform themselves: everyone knows that, among other reasons, it’s this opposition to the IMF that sounded the death of Gaddafi.

I invite you to watch a British BBC documentary about Ghana, entitled “When the IMF Makes Poverty.” And that is not Laurent Louis who says it. It explains very clearly how major international institutions, such as the IMF, have established an implacable order with extreme human consequences. They cause massive migratory flows that result in rural exodes, the privatization of water and its extreme cost, the privatization of hospitals, etc.

This scenario is not specific to Africa, even though it is undoubtedly the continent that suffers the most from these fraudulent financial assemblies. I will also endeavor, until the end of my term of office, to warn the Belgians of the imminent danger that weighs upon them.

Without financial control, we will die. My movement, Stout Les Belges, is currently banned from bank accounts. So I am well placed to know how paralyzing it is. Economic suffocation kills every creativity, every initiative, every development, every life on earth, since today everything is monetized, even the most essential foods such as water. In the case that we are dealing with today, we see that the IMF sets conditions. He is the one who sets the rules of the game. States have no choice but to bend to the financial arrangements set up by the IMF cadres.

As far as I am concerned, I am in favor of the discontinuation of any collaboration with the IMF, the globalist and imperialist financial institution that participates in the building of the New World Order. I therefore propose that independent Belgian experts, from the three Communities of the country and completely disinterested, study the implications of the IMF policies and these externalities, so that we can finally have an objective picture of the role that this institution plays. It’s incredible to read so many lies in the documents you make available on the Chamber’s website. Nobody reads them, of course. This will arrange you. This is obvious! But what a pleasure to have citizens who are so disinterested in politics!

In addition, it is imperative that Belgium retains the little gold it has left. Gold is a refuge value. As the crisis is far from over, we cannot separate ourselves from what remains of our gold reserves that could prove to be a real escape if the euro collapses, which is more than certain. It is not a question of entrusting, giving or paying the IMF. It is a wicked organism. It is even less about paying it in gold, even though the latter allows itself to be more and more gourmand under the pretext of helping more countries in difficulty.

By the way, what I find is that the former IMF president was more obsessed with his sexual appetite than with the noble goal of helping the poorest.

I therefore naturally oppose this institutionalized racket project which, once again, robs Belgium of its Regal powers. Stop all contact with the IMF. Let’s not give him a cent or an ounce of gold anymore and let’s recover our financial autonomy!