Proposition 52K1990

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Projet de loi portant assentiment à l'Accord entre le Royaume de Belgique et la République du Chili sur l'exercice d'activités à but lucratif par certains membres de la famille du personnel de missions diplomatiques et de postes consulaires, fait à Bruxelles le 6 décembre 2007.

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Submitted by
The Senate
Submission date
March 24, 2009
Official page
Chile diplomatic immunity international agreement diplomatic profession


Voted to adopt
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June 25, 2009 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

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Rapporteur Roel Deseyn

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Ministers, Colleagues, I propose that I immediately discuss item 6 of the agenda, the draft law on Peru, since it is a similar bilateral treaty. With these bills, the government intended to create a better status for the spouses or spouses of the diplomatic corps. Until now, their specific status was incompatible with employment in the public or private sector.

During the discussion of these two drafts, the bilateral treaties with Peru and Chile, comments were made by myself and Mr. De Croo. It is of course an important matter that spouses can also be involved in the work circuit, but we both had the big question what happens if they can no longer draw their rights from the fact that they are bound by marriage or through a certain partnership to this or that diplomat. Then the sad situation may arise that someone remains displaced in the host country and no longer has the right to be active on the labour market there. We also asked questions about specific alliances, when it comes to marriage of persons of the same sex. We also wondered how, in the context of reciprocity, we should deal with the data known in certain cultures of the polygamous partnerships.

There have been answers. A reference has been made to a specific note of the FOD Foreign Affairs which is understood by the term “spouse(o)t()e”. It also states that the definition of the term “spouse” excludes any form of polygamy. At that time, Mr. De Croo and I both appealed to be very sensitive to the problem of divorce, so that partners who make the effort to follow their husband or wife abroad do not risk becoming the dupe of a well-defined commitment, in particular the relocation, residence and integration abroad.