Proposition 52K1664

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Projet de loi modifiant la loi du 16 janvier 2003 portant création d'une Banque-Carrefour des Entreprises, modernisation du registre de commerce, création de guichets-entreprises agréés et portant diverses dispositions.

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Submitted by
CD&V Leterme Ⅰ
Submission date
Dec. 11, 2008
Official page
administrative formalities trade regulations computer systems type of business public administration registration of a company information technology applications


Voted to adopt
Groen CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA LDD MR FN VB

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Jan. 29, 2009 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

President Patrick Dewael

Mrs Van der Auwera refers to her written report.

Gerolf Annemans VB

The [...]

President Patrick Dewael

Are you advancing the reporter? You can ask that. I will ask Ms. Van der Auwera to contact me for a moment to inform that she refers to her written report.

Mrs Van der Auwera, on the basis of a communication from someone from your group, I assumed that you refer to your written report.

Rapporteur Liesbeth Van der Auwera

Mr. Speaker, this is correct, I refer to my written report.

Sofie Staelraeve Open Vld

Mr. Speaker, since there is no verbal report on this important draft, I am so free to give my colleagues an explanation.

Dear colleagues, although this draft is rather of a technical nature and it was also unanimously approved in the committee, it is not at all insignificant.

This bill proposes first and foremost a new and clearer definition of the undertakings to be included in the Crosspoint Bank for Enterprises. On the one hand, persons such as active partners and mandators, assistants, co-working spouses and employees, who are not undertakings in the economic sense, are no longer covered by this draft.

On the other hand, any legal person, natural person or association exercising a freely intellectual or service profession must register from today.

In the second instance, the draft provides for the possibility of deleting it on its own in certain cases, when this would be necessary to improve the quality of the data in the Cross Point Bank of Companies. This may be the case when the natural persons operating an undertaking have already died for three months, and in the case of the expiry of the three-month period following the bankruptcy or the completion of the liquidation of the undertaking.

With regard to the first, the Committee for Business has rightly extended the period to 6 months.

With these two pistes, namely the possibility to include also service professions and free professions in the Cross Point Bank, and the possibility to erase data in the Cross Point Bank on its own, it is further focused.

The cross-point bank of enterprises is not unimportant at all. It is a very important tool that contributes to administrative simplification and to a more customer-friendly government. She is, by the way, an achievement of then Minister Rik Daems, who put her on his feet. It must be said, at the beginning, the Crosspoint Bank suffered under a number of shortcomings. Those have sometimes dragged a little longer than it does, but the intention remains standing and the Cross Point Bank is ⁇ a full-fledged means of alignment and to accelerate the ability for beginners to undertake.

Furthermore, the Cross Point Bank is a very good example of public-private cooperation, as the corporate locks are conceived as private organizations, which, though, must comply with a number of legal obligations and are recognized by the government.

The advantages of the Cross Point Bank are legio. I don’t think I need to convince you of that anymore. It is the task of the federal government to continue to work on the improvement of the Crosspoint Bank in the coming years.

As mentioned, the quality of the data needs to be further improved. With this project, several steps are taken in this regard. The integration of the freelance professions into the Cross Point Bank has taken place on the basis of consultation with the sector and has been well discussed. It includes a number of specific measures for the sector.

As this draft provides a real added value for the administrative simplification and better functioning of our government in that area, Open Vld will approve the draft in its entirety. With us, all colleagues in the committee have done this. I hope to receive your vote later in the plenary session.

Philippe Henry Ecolo

As we have done in the committee, we will support this bill. This is a technical improvement to the existing system, which takes into account situations that so far posed problems. This is an opportunity to recall the importance of this type of administrative centralization for companies. I think that was a necessary step.

I would also like to recall that other important steps are still needed in terms of administrative simplification for ⁇ . So I think we can still have further discussions about other initiatives to simplify the life of companies.