Projet de loi portant des dispositions fiscales diverses en matière de revenus mobiliers.
General information ¶
- Submitted by
- PS | SP MR Open Vld Vooruit Purple Ⅰ
- Submission date
- March 7, 2006
- Official page
- Visit
- Status
- Adopted
- Requirement
- Simple
- Subjects
- deduction at source tax on investment income direct tax
Voting ¶
- Voted to adopt
- CD&V Vooruit LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA MR FN VB
- Voted to reject
- Ecolo
Contact form ¶
Do you have a question or request regarding this proposition? Select the most appropriate option for your request and I will get back to you shortly.
Discussion ¶
March 23, 2006 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)
Full source
Rapporteur Annemie Roppe ⚙
Mr. Speaker, I can inform the colleagues that it was partly about a repair law and partly about the treatment of the collection of the movable income. The minister gave an introduction and your servant a presentation. Since the texts were unanimously approved, I think the bill does not need further comment.