Proposition 50K1841

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Proposition de résolution relative au patrimoine culturel de Famagouste.

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CD&V Pieter De Crem
Ecolo Mirella Minne
Groen Lode Vanoost
LE Jacques Lefevre
N-VA Ferdy Willems
Open Vld Jef Valkeniers
PS | SP Patrick Moriau
Vooruit Dirk Van der Maelen
Submission date
June 4, 2002
Official page
Cyprus heritage protection cultural policy resolution of parliament


Voted to adopt
Groen CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA MR
Abstained from voting

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Oct. 16, 2002 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Tony Van Parys

I refer to the written report.

Mr. Speaker, can we address the draft or at least that part of the agenda that relates to Justice in the absence of the Minister of Justice?

I am referring to the written report.

President Herman De Croo

I know that the Minister of Justice has been detained, but I do not know exactly where, Mr. Van Parys.

Minister Laurette Onkelinx

He is present in the Council of Ministers.

There is currently a Council of Ministers.

Tony Van Parys CD&V

This is not so important now.

Minister Laurette Onkelinx

I represent him.

I represent the Minister of Justice in this plenary session.

Paul Tant CD&V

This will be discussed again at the Conference of Presidents.

However, I note that the government makes it a bad habit.

The government has taken for bad habit to hold the Council of Ministers on Wednesday, which om op woensdag Ministerraad te houden. This impedes the normal functioning of the Parliament.

President Herman De Croo

I agree with you.

Paul Tant CD&V

This week is like that. It will be so next week. This makes it impossible for Parliament to function normally, especially in the field of committees.

Mr. Speaker, you are making suggestions to improve that functioning and the government is doing just the opposite. Their

I would be grateful if you insisted that this should not be repeated. You must understand, Mr. Speaker, the classic day for the meetings of the Justice Committee is Wednesday. The Council of Ministers will meet on Friday.

The president must intervene with the government so that this does not happen again.

President Herman De Croo

Mr. Tante, I agree with your opinion, but we must also let the committee meetings run smoothly. I know that a plenary session on Wednesday morning is somewhat exceptional. The custom was then that one had a nuclear cabinet on Thursday morning and on Friday the Council of Ministers or the Council of Government. I know that the prime minister is holding up with Tony Blair this week. He and other colleagues also have obligations in Lebanon, where in Beirut the summit of the Francophony continues.

He is scheduled to attend the French-speaking summit in Beirut and the United Kingdom. by

Next week there will be a European summit in Brussels. You are right if it’s going to be an ordinary week. Parliament already works on Monday and has only Tuesday and Wednesday left for committee meetings. If there are still ministers missing, it is the government’s request to clear the workload in the House. Love must come from both sides.

Previously, the limited cabinet met on Thursday evening and the Council of Ministers on Friday. This week, the prime minister has bonds abroad and, next week, he is expected at the European Summit in Brussels. That is why, exceptionally, this meeting of the Council of Ministers on Thursday evening.

Paul Tant CD&V

Mr. Speaker, you are right when you point out why some ministers are hindered. However, this is about the habit that one threatens to establish to hold the Council of Ministers on Wednesday. This week and the next. I ask you to expressly inform on behalf of the Chamber that we do not agree with this.

The meeting of the Council of Ministers on Thursday night threatens to become a habit.

Minister Laurette Onkelinx

This happens only in exceptional circumstances such as Mr. The President has just spoken.

The President pointed out the exceptional circumstances.

Paul Tant CD&V

The problem of Mr. Van Parys remains, of course. If there is one matter that is not politically irrelevant, it is the cooperation agreement that is on the agenda today. When decisions are made in this regard, it is the least one can do to try to get Parliament involved.

The problem of mr. Van Parys is still unresolved.

President Herman De Croo

Mr. Tant, you know that I am one of those who insist that the competent minister is present unless there are apologetic circumstances. I still know very well that when I presented the Foreign Affairs Committee in the Senate, I did not start when the Minister was not present, though after the appropriate arrangements. Mr. Van Parys, can you accept for this bill that Ms. Onkelinx replaces Mr. Verwilghen? It is an important bill, but still a formalized matter. I prefer to ask it first because I need to give reading of all the articles.

Tony Van Parys CD&V

Mr. Speaker, I can assume that the draft law harmonising the provisions in force with the law of 10 July 1996 on the abolition of the death penalty and amendment of criminal penalties is being completed in this way, but this does not apply to the draft law on the cooperation agreement for Everberg, nor to the draft law on victim care. The entire agenda is devoted to justice. I wonder when the Minister of Justice will come. We had the budget debate last week. We talked a lot about crime. We have not seen the Minister of Justice. The question is whether the judiciary still works.

I will not insist on the harmonisation of the law on the abolition of the death penalty. But with regard to the Everberg Law, I truly believe that the Minister of Justice cannot be absent. If he is not present when the agenda contains many issues related to justice, when will he be present? Last week, he also shone with his absence during the debate on the government statement.

President Herman De Croo

I take the matter to the clear. by Mr. Van Parys, the rapporteur for this project, sees no objection to what I am dealing with. Since this project contains 128 articles and the Constitution obliges me to read each of them, it will take some time. I will therefore deal with this document in order to allow the Minister of Justice, whose presence seems to be highly desired by some members of this Chamber, to join us.