Proposition 50K1082

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Projet de loi modifiant la loi du 10 mars 1980 relative à l'octroi du titre honorifique de leurs fonctions aux bourgmestres, aux échevins et aux présidents des conseils des centres publics d'aide sociale ou des anciennes commissions d'assistance publique.


(From the official documents)

Les anciens bourgmestres, échevins et présidents des conseils des centres publics d’aide sociale qui ont exercé leurs fonctions pendant un nombre d’années fixé par la loi et dont la conduite a été irréprochable peuvent être autorisés à porter le titre honorifique de leurs fonctions. L’auteur constate que cette possibilité n’existe pas pour les conseillers communaux et les membres du conseil de l’aide sociale, alors que ces mandataires se dévouent eux aussi pour la collectivité. Il propose de leur donner également la possibilité de porter le titre honorifique de leurs fonctions, pour autant qu’ils aient exercé celles-ci pendant au moins douze ans.

General information

Vooruit Marcel Hendrickx
Submission date
Feb. 7, 2001
Official page
municipality representative of local or regional authority


Voted to adopt
CD&V LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA MR
Voted to reject
Groen Ecolo FN VB

Party dissidents

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May 23, 2001 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur André Frédéric

I refer to the written report.

Denis D'hondt MR

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker Frederic is, of course, very comprehensive and correctly transcribes the interventions of the various speakers during the general discussion. Nevertheless, I would still like to emphasize two points.

First of all, this initiative must be considered in the overall context of a revaluation of the municipal mandate. Many municipal councillors and CPAS councillors have, in fact, invested with passion in the exercise of their mandates, and this voluntarily. The right to obtain the title of honorary municipal counselor or honorary CPAS counselor should be considered for municipal counselors and CPAS counselors who have marked the daily life of the municipal institution by their acts and by their presence on the ground for a certain period of time. For this reason, Mrs. De Permentier and I have submitted an amendment to extend the period of presence in the municipal council or the council of CPAS. In the end, this period was extended from twelve to eighteen years. The amendment was adopted in the Internal Affairs Committee.

Then, even if the Minister of the Interior has recalled in a committee that neither his department nor himself were aware of any provision providing for the withdrawal of a regularly awarded honorary title, we could provide in the future the possibility of withdrawing the honorary title by judicial decision for honorary municipal councillors and honorary CPAS councillors who would have had a reproachable conduct and who, therefore, would not have proved worthy of the award of this title.

We will vote in favour of this bill.

In addition, together with other colleagues, we are willing to consider the possibility of awarding an honorary title to provincial councillors.