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Logo (Chamber of representatives)

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plenum van 2022-05-05 14:21:00+00:00 in Chamber of representatives
Chamber of representatives

You are currently viewing the advanced reviewing page for this source file. You'll note that the layout of the website is less user-friendly than the rest of Demobel. This is on purpose, because it allows people to voluntarily review and correct the translations of the source files. Its goal is not to convey information, but to validate it. If that's not your goal, I'd recommend you to click on one of the propositions that you can find in the table below. But otherwise, feel free to roam around!

Propositions that were discussed

Code Date Adopted Title
55K2610 30/03/2022 Projet de loi portant prolongation des diverses mesures sur le plan du droit du travail au bénéfice des secteurs des soins et de l'enseignement dans le cadre de la lutte contre la propagation du coronavirus COVID-19, concernant la suspension du délai de préavis donné par l'employeur pendant une période de chômage temporaire pour cause de force majeure résultant de la situation de guerre en Ukraine et concernant la clause d'écolage.
55K2389 24/01/2022 Projet de loi portant des dispositions diverses en matière d'intermédiation dans le secteur financier et des assurances.
55K2498 09/02/2022 Proposition de résolution visant à adapter le statut administratif et pécuniaire des ambulanciers.
55K2473 15/02/2022 Projet de loi modifiant les livres Ier, VI et XV du Code de droit économique.
55K2573 21/03/2022 Projet de loi transposant la directive (UE) 2019/1153 du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 20 juin 2019 fixant les règles facilitant l'utilisation d'informations financières et d'une autre nature aux fins de la prévention ou de la détection de certaines infractions pénales, ou des enquêtes ou des poursuites en la matière, et abrogeant la décision 2000/642/JAI du Conseil.
55K2082 21/06/2021 Projet de loi modifiant la loi du 27 avril 2018 sur la police des chemins de fer en vue d'instaurer une interdiction totale de fumer sur les quais.
55K2354 01/12/2021 Projet de loi modifiant l'arrêté royal du 1er décembre 1975 portant règlement général sur la police de la circulation routière et de l'usage de la voie publique, en ce qui concerne la réglementation des engins de déplacement.


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Discussions statuses

ID German French English Esperanto Spanish Dutch

#0 | No English translation available to review yet.

#1 | No English translation available to review yet.

#2 | No English translation available to review yet.

#3 | No English translation available to review yet.

#4 | No English translation available to review yet.

#5 | No English translation available to review yet.

#6 | No English translation available to review yet.

#7 | No English translation available to review yet.

#8 | No English translation available to review yet.

#9 | No English translation available to review yet.

#10 | No English translation available to review yet.

#11 | No English translation available to review yet.

#12 | No English translation available to review yet.

#13 | No English translation available to review yet.

#14 | No English translation available to review yet.

#15 | No English translation available to review yet.

#16 | No English translation available to review yet.

#17 | No English translation available to review yet.

#18 | No English translation available to review yet.

#19 | No English translation available to review yet.

#20 | No English translation available to review yet.

#21 | No English translation available to review yet.

#22 | No English translation available to review yet.

#23 | No English translation available to review yet.

#24 | No English translation available to review yet.

#25 | No English translation available to review yet.

#26 | No English translation available to review yet.

#27 | No English translation available to review yet.

#28 | No English translation available to review yet.

#29 | No English translation available to review yet.

#30 | No English translation available to review yet.

#31 | No English translation available to review yet.

#32 | No English translation available to review yet.

#33 | No English translation available to review yet.

#34 | No English translation available to review yet.

#35 | No English translation available to review yet.

#36 | No English translation available to review yet.

#37 | No English translation available to review yet.

#38 | No English translation available to review yet.

#39 | No English translation available to review yet.

#40 | No English translation available to review yet.

#41 | No English translation available to review yet.

#42 | No English translation available to review yet.

#43 | No English translation available to review yet.

#44 | No English translation available to review yet.

#45 | No English translation available to review yet.

#46 | No English translation available to review yet.

#47 | No English translation available to review yet.

#48 | No English translation available to review yet.

#49 | No English translation available to review yet.

#50 | No English translation available to review yet.

#51 | No English translation available to review yet.

#52 | No English translation available to review yet.

#53 | No English translation available to review yet.

#54 | No English translation available to review yet.

#55 | No English translation available to review yet.