Proposition 51K0825

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Projet de loi modifiant la loi du 19 mai 1994 relative à la limitation et au contrôle des dépenses électorales engagées pour l'élection du Parlement européen, la loi du 23 mars 1989 relative à l'élection du Parlement européen et le Code électoral.

General information

CD&V Pieter De Crem
LE Raymond Langendries
MR Daniel Bacquelaine
Open Vld Hendrik Daems
PS | SP Claude Eerdekens
Vooruit Dirk Van der Maelen
Submission date
Feb. 19, 2004
Official page
European election election financing election expenses election election campaign publicity


Voted to adopt
CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld MR
Voted to reject
Abstained from voting

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March 4, 2004 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Philippe De Coene

This is a proposal to create a number of parallels. Given the fact that we have changed the electoral legislation, there were a number of gaps, including regarding the limitation of the amounts that may be spent as part of the electoral campaigns. We have now applied the principles that were valid for the elections of other assemblies to the elections of the European Parliament. It is only about that.

There were also a number of colleagues who had submitted a number of amendments. Ultimately, these amendments were withdrawn and it was agreed that for a number of technical developments the competent committee, namely the Election Expenditure Control Commission, would draw up a sort of modus vivendi so that there could be no uncertainty about the interpretation and application of those general principles.