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Logo (Chamber of representatives)

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Full name
plenum van 2020-05-28 14:18:00+00:00 in Chamber of representatives
Chamber of representatives

You are currently viewing the advanced reviewing page for this source file. You'll note that the layout of the website is less user-friendly than the rest of Demobel. This is on purpose, because it allows people to voluntarily review and correct the translations of the source files. Its goal is not to convey information, but to validate it. If that's not your goal, I'd recommend you to click on one of the propositions that you can find in the table below. But otherwise, feel free to roam around!

Propositions that were discussed

Code Date Adopted Title
55K1176 23/04/2020 Projet de loi relatif au travail dans la pêche.
55K0978 28/01/2020 Projet de loi portant des dispositions diverses concernant la cotisation fédérale destinée au financement du Fonds social gaz et électricité.
55K1173 22/04/2020 Projet de loi portant diverses dispositions concernant le détachement de travailleurs.
55K1164 15/04/2020 ? Proposition de résolution visant à suspendre la consultation publique de l'Ondraf sur la gestion à long terme des déchets radioactifs conditionnés de haute activité et/ou de longue durée de vie durant la période de confinement face au Covid-19.
55K1228 06/05/2020 Projet de loi visant à introduire un droit à des allocations de chômage temporaires pour les pensionnés de 65 ans et plus en raison du virus COVID-19.
55K1153 09/04/2020 ? Proposition de loi portant certaines mesures d'urgence en matière de contrôle des prix dans le cadre de la crise du COVID-19.
55K0703 07/11/2019 Projet de loi modifiant la loi du 12 avril 1965 relative au transport de produits gazeux et autres par canalisations et la loi du 29 avril 1999 relative à l'organisation du marché de l'électricité, en vue de mieux protéger les PME.


You are currently viewing the English version of Demobel. This means that you will only be able to review and correct the English translations next to the official text. If you want to review translations in another language, then choose your preferred language in the footer.

Discussions statuses

ID German French English Esperanto Spanish Dutch

#0 | No English translation available to review yet.

#1 | No English translation available to review yet.

#2 | No English translation available to review yet.

#3 | No English translation available to review yet.

#4 | No English translation available to review yet.

#5 | No English translation available to review yet.

#6 | No English translation available to review yet.

#7 | No English translation available to review yet.

#8 | No English translation available to review yet.

#9 | No English translation available to review yet.

#10 | No English translation available to review yet.

#11 | No English translation available to review yet.

#12 | No English translation available to review yet.

#13 | No English translation available to review yet.

#14 | No English translation available to review yet.

#15 | No English translation available to review yet.

#16 | No English translation available to review yet.

#17 | No English translation available to review yet.

#18 | No English translation available to review yet.

#19 | No English translation available to review yet.

#20 | No English translation available to review yet.

#21 | No English translation available to review yet.

#22 | No English translation available to review yet.

#23 | No English translation available to review yet.

#24 | No English translation available to review yet.

#25 | No English translation available to review yet.

#26 | No English translation available to review yet.

#27 | No English translation available to review yet.

#28 | No English translation available to review yet.

#29 | No English translation available to review yet.

#30 | No English translation available to review yet.

#31 | No English translation available to review yet.

#32 | No English translation available to review yet.

#33 | No English translation available to review yet.

#34 | No English translation available to review yet.

#35 | No English translation available to review yet.

#36 | No English translation available to review yet.

#37 | No English translation available to review yet.

#38 | No English translation available to review yet.

#39 | No English translation available to review yet.

#40 | No English translation available to review yet.

#41 | No English translation available to review yet.

#42 | No English translation available to review yet.

#43 | No English translation available to review yet.

#44 | No English translation available to review yet.

#45 | No English translation available to review yet.

#46 | No English translation available to review yet.

#47 | No English translation available to review yet.

#48 | No English translation available to review yet.

#49 | No English translation available to review yet.

#50 | No English translation available to review yet.

#51 | No English translation available to review yet.

#52 | No English translation available to review yet.

#53 | No English translation available to review yet.

#54 | No English translation available to review yet.

#55 | No English translation available to review yet.

#56 | No English translation available to review yet.