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plenum van 2023-03-30 14:19:00+00:00 in Chamber of representatives
Chamber of representatives

You are currently viewing the advanced reviewing page for this source file. You'll note that the layout of the website is less user-friendly than the rest of Demobel. This is on purpose, because it allows people to voluntarily review and correct the translations of the source files. Its goal is not to convey information, but to validate it. If that's not your goal, I'd recommend you to click on one of the propositions that you can find in the table below. But otherwise, feel free to roam around!

Propositions that were discussed

Code Date Adopted Title
55K3178 08/03/2023 Projet de loi portant assentiment à l'Accord de coopération du 7 septembre 2018 entre l'État fédéral, la Région flamande, la Région wallonne et la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale relatif à l'exécution d'un certain nombre de dispositions du Protocole à la Convention de 1979 sur la pollution atmosphérique transfrontalière à longue distance, relatif à la réduction de l'acidification, de l'eutrophisation et de l'ozone troposphérique, avec annexes, signés à Göteborg le 30 novembre 1999, tels que modifiés le 4 mai 2012 à Genève.
55K3172 08/03/2023 Projet de loi portant assentiment à l'Accord de coopération du 24 avril 2020 entre l'État fédéral, la Région flamande, la Région wallonne et la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale relatif à l'exécution de plusieurs dispositions de la directive 2016/2284 du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 14 décembre 2016 concernant la réduction des émissions nationales de certains polluants atmosphériques, modifiant la directive 2003/35/CE et abrogeant la directive 2001/81/CE.
55K3167 14/02/2023 Projet de loi relatif à la modification du chapitre III de l'arrêté royal du 22 février 2001 organisant les contrôles effectués par l'Agence fédérale pour la Sécurité de la Chaîne alimentaire et modifiant diverses dispositions légales.
55K0373 17/09/2019 ? Projet de loi modifiant le Code judiciaire en ce qui concerne les biens insaisissables.
55K3136 02/02/2023 Projet de loi modifiant la loi du 8 mars 2007 créant un Conseil consultatif fédéral des Aînés.
55K3215 13/03/2023 Projet de loi relatif à la création, aux missions et à la composition d'un commissariat national drogue.
55K3105 26/01/2023 Projet de loi modifiant la loi du 21 décembre 1998 relative aux normes de produits ayant pour but la promotion de modes de production et de consommation durables et la protection de l'environnement, de la santé et des travailleurs.


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Discussions statuses

ID German French English Esperanto Spanish Dutch

#0 | No English translation available to review yet.

#1 | No English translation available to review yet.

#2 | No English translation available to review yet.

#3 | No English translation available to review yet.

#4 | No English translation available to review yet.

#5 | No English translation available to review yet.

#6 | No English translation available to review yet.

#7 | No English translation available to review yet.

#8 | No English translation available to review yet.

#9 | No English translation available to review yet.

#10 | No English translation available to review yet.

#11 | No English translation available to review yet.

#12 | No English translation available to review yet.

#13 | No English translation available to review yet.

#14 | No English translation available to review yet.

#15 | No English translation available to review yet.

#16 | No English translation available to review yet.

#17 | No English translation available to review yet.

#18 | No English translation available to review yet.

#19 | No English translation available to review yet.

#20 | No English translation available to review yet.

#21 | No English translation available to review yet.

#22 | No English translation available to review yet.

#23 | No English translation available to review yet.

#24 | No English translation available to review yet.

#25 | No English translation available to review yet.

#26 | No English translation available to review yet.

#27 | No English translation available to review yet.

#28 | No English translation available to review yet.

#29 | No English translation available to review yet.

#30 | No English translation available to review yet.

#31 | No English translation available to review yet.

#32 | No English translation available to review yet.

#33 | No English translation available to review yet.

#34 | No English translation available to review yet.

#35 | No English translation available to review yet.

#36 | No English translation available to review yet.

#37 | No English translation available to review yet.

#38 | No English translation available to review yet.

#39 | No English translation available to review yet.

#40 | No English translation available to review yet.

#41 | No English translation available to review yet.