Proposition 51K2649

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Projet de loi relatif à l'utilisation de l'infrastructure ferroviaire.

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Submitted by
PS | SP MR Open Vld Vooruit Purple Ⅰ
Submission date
July 17, 2006
Official page
EC Directive rail network transport network rail transport

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Nov. 16, 2006 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

President Herman De Croo

The second annex to the draft law was thereafter not added by forgetting, but it was distributed in the committee and therefore is rightly and correctly part of our discussions. I have just submitted this to Mr. Deseyn separately. There is no objection from his way.

You have the word as the speaker. I would rather be a speaker than a speaker.

Rapporteur Camille Dieu

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Minister, dear colleagues, the two bills of which I am successively rapporteur this afternoon both address the liberalization of the railway market and its consequences.

In our view, they are of great importance as it is about the safety of the use of our railway infrastructure. Both projects were adopted following the implementation of European directives, it must be said.

The first concerns the use of the infrastructure itself and proposes the establishment of a supervisory body, on the one hand, the infrastructure manager, Infrabel, responsible for providing equal treatment to all applicants applying to circulate on our trails and, on the other hand, railway companies applying to use our infrastructure but who must comply with certain obligations.

In addition to its supervisory task, the supervisory body may issue opinions and deal with administrative complaints and appeals. It will also issue licenses to operate our railway infrastructure. This, however, changes many things compared to what we know today.

The general discussion focused on the bicameral competence or not of the examination of the project, on the notion of appeal as well as on the precise responsibility of the various actors.

An amendment was submitted by your rapporteur to article 61 of the draft, insofar as I felt that an important decision such as the designation of the control body within an administration deserved a royal decree deliberated in the Council of Ministers. This was accepted by the Minister and by all Commissioners.

All articles were adopted by the majority, as well as the entire project.

I finished with the first project.

President Herman De Croo

Madame God, I am a bit bored because I have to follow the order of the projects. Bis repetita placent, you will have to come back!

Camille Dieu PS | SP

I will come back!

President Herman De Croo

See you soon, Madame God.

Mr De Padt has registered for the general discussion.

Guido De Padt Open Vld

I would like to speak on the following draft.

President Herman De Croo

Therefore, no one is registered for the general discussion.

Minister Renaat Landuyt

Myheer de voorzitter, I thank the members for good cooperation in the committee.