Proposition 51K2197

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Projet de loi portant des dispositions diverses urgentes relatives aux statuts du personnel de la Défense.

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Submitted by
PS | SP MR Open Vld Vooruit Purple Ⅰ
Submission date
Jan. 10, 2006
Official page
armed forces

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Jan. 26, 2006 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Ingrid Meeus

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Minister, I will briefly describe the five chapters of which this draft consists.

The committee discussed this draft law during its meeting of 18 January and the draft law consists of five chapters.

Chapter I aims to extend to the civil personnel of Defence and allows for blood sampling of the military personnel within the framework of a biotheque to be established. This biotechnology will be replaced this year. The proposed provision aims to address very real concerns. The biotechnology comes due to the Balkan Syndrome, which at the time was a lot to do about. This Balkan Syndrome has resulted in the Land Defense conducting a survey of all military personnel who have participated in foreign operations, and this over a number of years. Furthermore, in this context, a reference may also be made to a kind of investigation relating to the operators of the Hawk radar.

In order to address the concerns, it was decided to establish a biothecary which would make it easier to prove ten or fifteen years later that the military concerned did not show any medical problems at the time of his departure on the mission and that these problems only appeared after his return. It must ⁇ be emphasized that the withdrawal of the steels is voluntary, but also that it is in the military’s own interest to consent to it. In any case, the biotheque is a very useful tool that comes to the service of Land Defense. Chapter II creates the necessary legal framework for the realization of a new monetary status, applicable to the military with mission. This new statute, modular and fairer than the previous one, will take more into account the actual situation on the ground and will be based on three pillars: the outlook, the distress and the danger. This is undoubtedly a true beneficial evolution. Every military on mission will receive the same amount from now on, regardless of his degree. It is a correction of a situation that has often been accused by the men on the ground. The experience gained during a period of more than ten years, in which the Belgian armed forces now already participate in foreign operations in various degrees, has allowed to do so with knowledge of business.

Chapter III aims at allowing, in the context of profitability, the candidate assistant officer of air traffic control who leaves the military force before he has completed his training cycle to be obliged to repay part of the bets he received during his training.

Chapter IV aims, in the context of the uniformisation of the statutes, to provide for an equal period of performance for the assistant officer air traffic controller and for the assistant officer pilot. The period within which a professional officer pilot of light aviation or air traffic controller may submit a candidacy as a candidate auxiliary officer or candidate supplementary officer shall also be extended. This allows young sub-officers, who were recently recruited in the same specialties, to also enjoy these measures of social promotion.

In the same sense as the amendments to Chapter 1 concerning the professional reorientation of the military, Chapter V finally modifies the period at the disposal of the department before the military is made available to the public employer.

In short, the various provisions are the result of a consultation with the social partners. The findings of the military on the ground also played a crucial role in this. Their

The State Council’s opinion was fulfilled either by adjusting the draft articles or by expanding the explanation.

The entire draft law was unanimously adopted.

Brigitte Wiaux LE

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Minister, we will support the bill submitted because the provisions are important.

They concern the administrative and monetary status of our military and civilian personnel of the department. They aim to address very concrete concerns. They are also the result of consultation with the trade union delegations. Finally, the observations of the State Council were taken into account.

We will support this project for all of these reasons.