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Logo (Chamber of representatives)

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plenum van 2019-03-14 20:00:00+00:00 in Chamber of representatives
Chamber of representatives

You are currently viewing the advanced reviewing page for this source file. You'll note that the layout of the website is less user-friendly than the rest of Demobel. This is on purpose, because it allows people to voluntarily review and correct the translations of the source files. Its goal is not to convey information, but to validate it. If that's not your goal, I'd recommend you to click on one of the propositions that you can find in the table below. But otherwise, feel free to roam around!

Propositions that were discussed

Code Date Adopted Title
54K0055 10/07/2014 Proposition de résolution relative à l'élaboration d'un plan stratégique en vue de combattre et de traiter le problème de l'obésité.
54K2847 13/12/2017 Proposition de résolution relative aux oeuvres d'art "translocalisées" et à l'entame d'un dialogue avec l'Etat français.
54K3541 12/02/2019 Projet de loi portant modification de la loi du 18 mars 2016 portant modification de la dénomination de l'Office national des Pensions en Service fédéral des Pensions, portant intégration des attributions et du personnel du Service des Pensions du Secteur Public, d'une partie des attributions et du personnel de la Direction générale Victimes de la Guerre, des missions "Pensions" des secteurs locaux et provinciaux de l'Office des régimes particuliers de sécurité sociale, de HR Rail et portant reprise du Service social collectif de l'Office des régimes particuliers de sécurité sociale, en vue de permettre l'octroi par le Service fédéral des Pensions de subsides à certaines fédérations et oeuvres qui agissent en faveur des victimes de la guerre et de leurs ayants droit.
54K3482 22/01/2019 Projet de loi modifiant le Code des impôts sur les revenus 1992 en ce qui concerne les dispositions fiscales relatives au deal pour l'emploi.
54K3352 26/10/2018 Projet de loi modifiant l'arrêté royal du 22 mai 2003 relatif à la procédure concernant le traitement des dossiers en matière des allocations aux personnes handicapées, en vue d'éviter aux personnes handicapées de perdre injustement des droits.


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Discussions statuses

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Official text

Translated text


Official text

Translated text


Official text

Translated text


Official text

Translated text

#4 | No English translation available to review yet.

#5 | No English translation available to review yet.

#6 | No English translation available to review yet.

#7 | No English translation available to review yet.

#8 | No English translation available to review yet.

#9 | No English translation available to review yet.

#10 | No English translation available to review yet.

#11 | No English translation available to review yet.

#12 | No English translation available to review yet.

#13 | No English translation available to review yet.

#14 | No English translation available to review yet.

#15 | No English translation available to review yet.

#16 | No English translation available to review yet.

#17 | No English translation available to review yet.

#18 | No English translation available to review yet.

#19 | No English translation available to review yet.

#20 | No English translation available to review yet.

#21 | No English translation available to review yet.

#22 | No English translation available to review yet.

#23 | No English translation available to review yet.

#24 | No English translation available to review yet.

#25 | No English translation available to review yet.

#26 | No English translation available to review yet.

#27 | No English translation available to review yet.