Proposition 53K2341

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Projet de loi instaurant un régime légal pour les covered bonds belges.

General information

Submitted by
PS | SP the Di Rupo government
Submission date
July 6, 2012
Official page
EC Directive venture capital securities financial instrument financial institution financial solvency financial legislation guarantee investment transaction credit guarantee credit institution bond claim

⚠️ Voting data error ⚠️

This proposition is missing vote information, which is caused by a bug in the heuristic algorithms. As soon as I've got time to fix it, the votes will be added to Demobel's database.

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⚠️ Possible data error ⚠️

Rejected propositions are often missing the discussions that were held about them. As soon as I've got time to fix it, these will be added here as well.