Proposition 50K0282

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Projet de loi interprétant l'article 101, alinéa 3, de la loi du 8 août 1997 sur les faillites.

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LE Jean-Pierre Grafé
Submission date
Nov. 24, 1999
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Feb. 3, 2000 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Michèle Gilkinet

I am referring to my written report.

Fred Erdman Vooruit

On the occasion of this small detail, which is resolved by an interpretative law, I would like to urge the Minister to promptly review the facets surrounding the bankruptcy. I know you are working on it, but the people on the ground are really pushing. There are certain situations that need to be resolved urgently. I know that is why you are concerned. You have already said this in your explanation. I just want to emphasize this once again.

Minister Marc Verwilghen

Mr. President, Mr. Erdman, during my first visit as Minister to the Committee on Justice, I answered the questions related to eight points that need to be amended in the bankruptcy legislation. I did not lose sight of that. I only ask that I be given the necessary living and breathing space, because there are many things that need to be arranged at the same time.