.vimrc: Fixed a tiny bug in the NumberToggle() where the previous state wasn't disabled, which caused relative and absolute numbering to happen simultaneously.
- Author
- Vngngdn
- Date
- July 14, 2016, 4:28 p.m.
- Hash
- a62fb48187cc70cc4a289a247d66db3cf4165e76
- Parent
- e1654b954f28c9a104364c3dd5ebd3d50afa3766
- Modified file
- .vimrc
.vimrc ¶
2 additions and 0 deletions.
View changes Hide changes
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" I'll most certainly add comments to every fucking line I write. It goes |
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" without saying that I need to know what every line does. |
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" VUNDLE {{{ |
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" Vundle is used to manage plugins for Vim. It needs additional setup, so it |
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" gets priority in my .vimrc. |
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filetype off " required |
9 |
9 |
10 |
10 |
" set the runtime path to include Vundle and initialize |
11 |
11 |
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim |
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call vundle#begin() |
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" let Vundle manage Vundle, required |
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Plugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim' |
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" YCM is a plugin that allows Vim semantic type checking and more programming mumbo jumbo. It is godlike and it must always be there for me. |
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" XXX: This might be removed in favor of Deoplete. It depends on whether |
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" Deoplete is better or not. |
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Plugin 'Valloric/YouCompleteMe' |
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" Airline provides a neat and feature rich status bar. Really nice to have. |
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Plugin 'bling/vim-airline' |
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" Bufferline will show buffers in the status bar. There's enough room anyway, so I fancied having it. |
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Plugin 'bling/vim-bufferline' |
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" Syntastic does automatic syntax checking without the need to compile. |
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" XXX: Might be replaced in the future in favor of Neomake, because it's |
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" asynchronous, and I only use NeoVim these days, honestly. |
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Plugin 'scrooloose/syntastic' |
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" A fuzzy searcher. Just CTRL+P and BAM all your files are visible. |
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Plugin 'kien/ctrlp.vim' |
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" This plugin enables Git intergration. |
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Plugin 'tpope/vim-fugitive' |
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" This provides snippets for redundant code. Praise the hackers man. |
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Plugin 'SirVer/ultisnips' |
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" In addition to UltiSnips, this plugin contains a prefetched repository of snippets. Must have, because I'm not planning on writing all of those by myself. |
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Plugin 'honza/vim-snippets' |
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" Rust syntax files, including Syntastic integration: |
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" To be removed when these are added to (Neo)Vim 'upstream'. |
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Plugin 'rust-lang/rust.vim' |
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" Helps me in kicking the habit induced by things like Notepad++. |
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" This plugin will stay here until I've kicked the habit properly. |
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Plugin 'takac/vim-hardtime' |
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" All of your Plugins must be added before the following line |
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call vundle#end() " required |
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filetype plugin indent on " required |
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" }}} |
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" YouCompleteMe is a godlike completer for Vim. As such, it is worthy of its own section. |
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" However, I'll be trying out Deoplete in the future, which might render it |
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" obsolete. Until further notice, I'm keeping this beauty. |
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" |
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" This setting will force YCM to close the preview buffer after selecting the completion. |
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let g:ycm_autoclose_preview_window_after_completion=1 |
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" Sets the symbol used to indicate a syntax error: |
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let g:ycm_error_symbol = '>>' |
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" Sets the symbol used to indicate a warning: |
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70 |
let g:ycm_warning_symbol = 'i' |
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" Fills the identifier completion database with the language's keywords (e.g., when starting a new Java file, "class" will already be in the completion engine. |
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let g:ycm_seed_identifiers_with_syntax = 1 |
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" This setting tells YCM what keys to use to accept completion. I removed <Down> as default, because I'm a silly coder and still use my arrow keys to navigate my source files. Hey, years of negligence for Vim leaves its marks. To think I ever thought Notepad++ was the best editor ever, the fuck... |
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let g:ycm_key_list_select_completion=['<TAB>'] |
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" Same reason; I'm a dumb fuck and arrows are still hardwired in my brain. |
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let g:ycm_key_list_previous_completion=['<S-TAB>'] |
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" Configures the pointer to the ycm_extra_conf.py file. |
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let g:ycm_global_ycm_extra_conf = '~/.ycm_extra_conf.py' |
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let g:ycm_confirm_extra_conf = 0 " Disables security confirmation before loading the conf.py file. |
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" }}} |
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" AIRLINE {{{ |
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" Airline is a great status bar plugin. Although it can behave quirky if Powerline is not on the scene. These scripts are dedicated to handle that behavior. |
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" These lines will load the powerline font for use in Airline. |
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if !exists('g:airline_symbols') |
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93 |
let g:airline_symbols={} |
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endif |
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let g:airline_symbols.space="\ua0" |
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let g:airline_powerline_fonts=1 |
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" If there is only one tab opened, the tab bar will display the different buffers. |
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let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled=1 |
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" Makes Airline appear immediately, instead of waiting for a split. |
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set laststatus=2 |
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" }}} |
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" As mentioned earlier, this provides snippets to stop redundant code. |
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" To begin, changing default TAB, because YCM already uses TAB. |
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109 |
let g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger="<c-l>" |
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let g:UltiSnipsJumpForwardTrigger="<c-j>" |
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111 |
let g:UltiSnipsJumpBackwardTrigger="<c-k>" |
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" }}} |
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" |
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" HARDTIME {{{ |
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" Some settings are required to make vim-hardtime function properly |
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let g:hardtime_default_on = 1 " Start hardtime immediately. |
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let g:hardtime_allow_different_key = 1 " Allows 'jhk', but not 'jjj'. |
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" Using the arrow keys is (arguably) a bad habit as well, so they're disabled: |
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let g:list_of_disabled_keys = ["<UP>", "<DOWN>", "<LEFT>", "<RIGHT>"] |
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" }}} |
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colorscheme molokai " I like molokai. I've used badwolf, but I like popping colors. |
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" }}} |
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" SPACES & TABS {{{ |
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" The number of visual spaces per TAB hit. |
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set tabstop=4 |
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" Setting the amount of tabs to 4. The default is 8. |
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set shiftwidth=4 |
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" This breaks lines after column 80. |
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set textwidth=80 |
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" }}} |
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set relativenumber " I used to use standard numbers, but relative numbers make moving around so much easier. |
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set cursorline " Highlights the line currently selected by the cursor. |
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filetype indent on " Detects filetype on load, and loads the appropriate syntax file. |
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" This highlights the matching parenthesis ([, {, (, ...). I think this is default, but in case it's not, tadaa. |
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set showmatch " Highlights matching parenthesis on hover ("[, {, ..."). |
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set scrolloff=5 " It may seem a lot, but I like to have some content always visible. |
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" }}} |
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" Problem with hlsearch is that it does not turn off the highlighting. So searching for vowels may quickly result in everything being highlighted. This is a mapping. It will remove highlighting when entering \<SPACE> |
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nnoremap <leader><space> :nohlsearch<CR> |
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" }}} |
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" FOLDING {{{ |
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" In case I forget (I'm Belgian), folding is hiding code parts that belong together, like functions. Très important. Fuck azerty. |
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" This enables folding as is. |
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set foldenable |
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" This setting determines how many folds have to be opened. The number indicates the folding level. So 0 = every possible folding is folded. 99 = practically everything is open. I'm using 10, since I already have a problem with more than 3 nested loops. |
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set foldlevelstart=10 |
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" This setting blocks overuse of nested foldings. I don't know how this will turn out in LISP/Scheme, but I'll be damned if this setting does more harm than good. |
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set foldnestmax=10 |
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" This setting is commented by default, but included in case I start to grow hate for the current way Vim handles folding (za). It basically maps that command to spacebar. I may map it to z because then I only have to type one letter and RETURN, that's 33% of my time saved! =3 |
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"nnoremap <space> za |
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" }}} |
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" MOVEMENT {{{ |
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" When you go up, and you have a line going over multiple lines because it's too long, the standard mapping will skip that. These two settings will block that behaviour. |
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nnoremap j gj |
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nnoremap k gk |
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" }}} |
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" BACKING UP {{{ |
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" What these lines do, is move the backup files to the /tmp folder. This will keep my directories clean and neat. |
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set backup |
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set backupdir=~/.vim-tmp,~/.tmp,~/tmp,/var/tmp,/tmp |
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set backupskip=/tmp/*,/private/tmp/* |
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set directory=~/.vim-tmp,~/.tmp,~/tmp,/var/tmp,/tmp |
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set writebackup |
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" }}} |
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" |
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" NEOVIM {{{ |
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" While it certainly is an improvement over 'vanilla' Vim, it does some things |
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" that keep me from using Vim as it's supposed to be; limited to no mouse usage. |
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" So I disable it. I'll enable it again when I've twisted my mind far enough to |
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" not touch my mouse again. (Not to mention some terminals don't support mouse |
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" control, so it's a bad habit nonetheless if you spend all your time on |
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" GNU/Linux distros) |
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set mouse="" |
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" }}} |
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" |
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" MACROS {{{ |
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" Function taken from |
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" http://jeffkreeftmeijer.com/2012/relative-line-numbers-in-vim-for-super-fast-movement/ |
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" that allows to quickly switch between relative and absolute numbering using |
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" CTRL+N(umber). |
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function! NumberToggle() |
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if(&relativenumber == 1) |
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set number |
+ |
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set number |
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else |
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set relativenumber |
+ |
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set relativenumber |
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endif |
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endfunc |
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nnoremap <C-n> :call NumberToggle()<cr> |
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" }}} |
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221 |
" I found this gem on Reddit. If I'm editing a file that's read only, and I started Vim without sudo, then this little line will do just that for me. All I have to do is use "w!!" when saving. |
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" Extensive explanation can also be found at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2600783/how-does-the-vim-write-with-sudo-trick-work#7078429 |
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cmap w!! w !sudo tee > /dev/null % |
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" This setting will allow me to switch to another buffer without need to save the current buffer. |
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set hidden |
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" }}} |
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" Because Vim can fold vimrc files with the right syntax, These lines will tell Vim how to handle that. |
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set modelines=2 "This tells Vim that the last 2 lines of this file should only apply to this file. |
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" So as you can see, the last 2 lines get a special vim:-prefix, so Vim knows for sure this is what's important. |
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" To wrap a new section, look at the other sections, and copy that syntax. |
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" vim:foldmethod=marker |
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" vim:foldlevel=0 |
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