1 |
import System.Environment
2 |
import Data.Time |
3 |
import Text.Regex.PCRE -- Necessary for determining the type of String in the input |
4 |
main = do |
5 |
args <- getArgs -- Gives list of given arguments |
6 |
fileContents <- readFile (head args) -- <- turns the IO String in a String |
7 |
-- inside fileContents |
8 |
writeFile (last args) (correctFile fileContents) |
9 |
-- This is EVERYTHING that main is supposed to do, so it's FINISHED. |
10 |
-- From now the program works purely functional. Other lines on this |
11 |
-- indentation are for debugging. |
12 |
13 |
-- | Entry function for the program. It receives the "raw" file content from |
14 |
-- 'main', applies some necessary changes, and returns the corrected 'String', |
15 |
-- ready for writing to a file. |
16 |
correctFile :: String -> String |
17 |
correctFile [] = [] |
18 |
correctFile input = unlines ("WEBVTT" : (editLines (lines input) (-60))) |
19 |
-- The "WEBVTT" in the front is necessary to comply with WebVTT specs |
20 |
-- The -60 initial seconds is necessary because the files start with an |
21 |
-- X-TIMESTAMP line |
22 |
23 |
24 |
-- | Transforms the Strings from the file by inspecting the type and editing the |
25 |
-- resulting list of Strings accordingly. |
26 |
-- This function is applied in a recursive manner, |
27 |
editLines :: [String] -- ^ The remaining lines of the original file |
28 |
-> Int -- ^ The amount of seconds that will be added |
29 |
-> [String] -- ^ The corrected lines, ready for writing |
30 |
editLines [] _ = [] -- If the list of remaining Strings is depleted, return an empty list |
31 |
editLines (current : remaining) seconds |
32 |
| current =~ "X-TIMESTAMP-MAP=MPEGTS:[0-9]+,LOCAL:[0-9:.]+" :: Bool = editLines remaining (seconds + 60) |
33 |
| current =~ "([0-9]{2}:)?[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{3} --> ([0-9]{2}:)?[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{3}" :: Bool = correctTimeString current seconds : editLines remaining seconds |
34 |
| current == "WEBVTT" = editLines remaining seconds |
35 |
| otherwise = current : editLines remaining seconds |
36 |
37 |
correctTimeString :: String -> Int -> String |
38 |
correctTimeString s 0 = s |
39 |
correctTimeString s seconds = |
40 |
let start = vttTimeToUTCTime (head (words s)) |
41 |
end = vttTimeToUTCTime (last (words s)) |
42 |
delta = diffUTCTime end start |
43 |
correctStart = addOffset start seconds |
44 |
in uTCTimeToVttTime correctStart ++ " --> " ++ uTCTimeToVttTime (addUTCTime delta correctStart) |
45 |
46 |
addOffset :: UTCTime -> Int -> UTCTime |
47 |
addOffset time seconds = addUTCTime (fromInteger (toInteger (seconds)) :: NominalDiffTime) time |
48 |
49 |
uTCTimeToVttTime :: UTCTime -> String |
50 |
uTCTimeToVttTime t = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%T%03Q" t |
51 |
52 |
vttTimeToUTCTime :: String -> UTCTime |
53 |
vttTimeToUTCTime timeString = |
54 |
parseTimeOrError False defaultTimeLocale "%T%Q" timeString :: UTCTime |
55 |