Hello there! I'm Maarten, a happy student from Belgium, and this is my amazing personal website. I like a lot of things, and I share some of those in here. Take a look around, read a bit, talk with me, and most importantly, enjoy your stay!

My personal scribblepad, written from scratch, on which I ramble about everything I like. Highly recommended while eating breakfast.
Visit blog
The pride of my website: A system that allows people to consult Belgian politics in an easy and convenient manner. Currently in beta as a lot of features are still underway, but you can now go check out what's there already!
Go to Demobel
I actually don't use GitHub to host my code, contrary to a lot of other coders. Instead, I've been trying to create something that's just fit to my taste. I host a couple of archive repositories there, as well as dotfiles, and that jazz. It's a continuing work, so don't flip your desk if the layout is upside down tomorrow 😅
Check code
About me
Well, if you wish to know more of me, I have a page where I describe myself in a couple more sentences. You know, because I can.
Read onWish list
If you're looking to buy a present for me, Jonathan or both of us, click here. (This page is only available in Dutch.)
Open wishlistPublications
Throughout my academic career, I've written a lot, sometimes together with other people. To avoid that these papers get lost to the passing of time, I've decided to publish them on my website, should somebody want to read them.
Consult publicationsOther projects
Projects come and go, and with my website I can present them to you. This cards takes you to the archive of past projects.
View projectsActivism
Trying to make this place better takes some time. So I made a page in the hopes that it can engage you to partake in that process. Because it's never too late to begin.
List talking points
Qzertyuiop network
This website is part of the Qzertyuiop network, connecting my closest friends over the internet. From this card, you can go to their websites as well!
drs. Jeroen Ceyssens
m.sc. Jorrit Gerets
m.sc. Joris Herbots
dr. Mannu Lambrichts
Contact me
If you wish to contact me, use this convenient form, the most direct link to yours truly. Leave me a thank you note, tell me something important, or correct a typo I made, it's all good, I love to hear from you!